"Having received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately.
And it was night." John 13:30
One disciple is found leaning, while one is found scheming. Sitting around the table, Jesus with the twelve men He had chosen to assist Him in His earthly ministry. Silence and heaviness fill the walls as the brisk air of what is soon to come, and the warmth of sweet fellowship with the Savior clash together in this upper room. John, keeping himself warm with the nearness of Jesus, leaning against Him as they sit in fellowship. Yet across the way, one remains in the cold air, the evil of betrayal brewing within, Judas.
It was at such a supper that Jesus revealed deep things to the hearts of these men. Before their eyes, He represented the role of Christians amongst men, to serve one another by washing the feet of others. In the form of bread and wine, He revealed Himself to them in a most moving way. Jesus had already declared that He is the Bread of Life, but He was taking them deeper now, asking them to take part in Him. "This is My body which is given for you; Do this in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:19). He said this, revealing to them the cost of following, that in the remembrance of Him, in the following of Him, they were to take His body, take the example He set for them in the body. This example had already been shown to them in the humility of washing, in the patience of ministry to people, in the boldness of confronting sin, in the pain of rejection and misunderstanding, in the risk of stoning, but this was the bodily example they were called to follow. How much deeper their commitment had required from the first day they committed to follow this Man, to the present hour within this upper room!
With this being said, I can sense the environment of that room. The mixed feelings, the confusion, and than the distraction as Judas Iscariot receives the bread and than quickly rises from the table. A conversational exchange between Him and the Bread of Life, "What you do, do quickly." And with the bread still within his hands, he leaves that room to enter in to the cold night, to betray the Giver of Life.
I cannot read through this and not notice that it was after Judas had received the piece of bread that he went out immediately. How often we have entered into times of sweet fellowship with Christ, felt the warmth of His presence and than He asks of us something bold, to partake of something, and we listen, we may even receive, but than so soon as we receive the piece of bread, we quickly leave, the brisk night overtaking us, and we betray our Savior in disobedience. Have you ever gone to church, heard Him speak clearly, you receive, but as you exit the church door, so act as if your commitment to follow what you received has exited too?
Oh let us not be found as Judas! Let us not receive a part of Jesus, but not all of Him! If we are to follow, may we follow. We can no longer pick and choose the parts of Jesus we want to receive. Judas thought he could, and a grave mistake this brought upon him. Has Jesus asked of you something this day? Then follow. Commit and follow. Jesus gave a bold request, but in the warmth of His strength, all could carry out His call, it is those who walk away after receiving who find themselves alone in the cold night. Stay near to Him! Lean upon Him as John! Whatever the request, His Spirit will give you what you need to carry it out. In remembrance of Him, follow the voice of your Savior.