Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Accomplishing Life in Things Deceased

     One of the times that Jesus was upon the mount, we read that two men met with Him, who were, Moses and Elijah. Luke 9:31 says, "…[they] spoke of His DECEASE which He was about to ACCOMPLISH at Jerusalem". Later on in the chapter we hear this coming event described as, "…the time had come for Him to be RECEIVED UP" (Luke 9:51). 
     What are both of these verses describing? The work of the cross. The very purpose of which He had come--the betrayal, the suffering, the separation, the dying, the receiving of sinners back to God. The events to come for Christ were grave indeed, but it was a decease He was about to what? Accomplish. 
     A grave leaves one silent, an accomplishment resounds in praise and victory of life. He did not see the grave, but the receiving up. He did not set His face upon the pain and suffering, but the glory to come--heaven sent these messengers to speak with Him bearing the perspective of the accomplishment of His obedience was son to bring. Christ saw the receiving up, likewise, He saw what His obedience would accomplish--that those He loved would be given the opportunity to be re-united with God and welcomed into eternity.
     How often you and I focus on the "decease" of a trial, instead of the accomplishment and receiving within it. Every trial that enters our life was first approved of by God and therefore, has a purpose within to grow us nearer to Himself. Every "decease" come with an eternal accomplishment and treasured lesson with our loving Father. Every difficulty is an opportunity to be a testimony that can draw others nearer to the gates of eternity.

     Let us see this principle from the life of our Savior, and pray to apply it to our day to day lives. May we seek eternities beauty and accomplishments in the midst of life's hardships and "deceases".

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Blessed Burden

"(yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:35

      Mary had been visited by a messenger of God, she had conceived of the Holy Spirit One who would be called Jesus, He had been born in the humblest of settings, and as Joseph and her took him to the temple, Simeon prophesied over this Babe. Mary knew that all things that had taken place were the hand of God, she had already faced the weight of the blessed burden, she had endured many nights of questions and perseverance in her willingness to be a vessel for God's work. She knew she was honored and privileged, but she also felt the weight of it allSimeon spoke in absolute reality when he foretold that not only would Jesus be used to save men from their sins, but that it would come at a cost, that yes, a sword will likewise pierce through Mary's soul, for the sake of the thoughts of many being revealed.
There is a cost to ministry, there is a cost to being used by the Lord, a small cost in comparison to all He gave for our salvation; nonetheless, a cost we cannot ignore.
There are times that ministering to others hurts, like a sword into our own soul.
There are times that ministering to others leaves you feeling abused.
There are times that ministering to others leaves your heart feeling pierced or carrying a heavy burden. At times we feel the pain around us, at times we might be betrayed, but let us not grow weary in the work, for it was through the piercing that the thoughts of many were revealed and the lives of countless were saved. Mary's willingness to be used, to endure, to even be pierced in her heart, was a vessel God used to bring His salvation, to redeem those lost to be found.
     Am I willing to be pierced to be used by God to reveal the thoughts of others? Am I willing to sacrifice my own feelings and desires to bear witness to another, perhaps causing a conviction to their hearts that may lead them to repentance? Am I willing to live such a life?
Each time I come across this verse in Luke, I am paused in my thoughts and forced to ponder this statement. Mary was warned that her soul would be pierced in being apart of God's story of salvation. Her response at first, "Let it be to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38) was again put to the test, was she willing to allow the word of God to be fulfilled in her life, was she willing to bear the weight of it? 
We have the blessed position of looking back and seeing that she was willing and in her willingness, she was used by God. Her life a testimony of God's pathway of salvation.
Are we willing to walk such a path? Are we willing to allow our lives to be used by the Lord even at the expense of our souls being pierced?
A challenging thought, and one that is to be my prayer, that the Lord would form such a devotion within day by day. 

A life not held onto, but given out for His use and His people. Amen.

Monday, November 10, 2014

"Katonda"…The Creator God

     Little african voices raise these words, "May the power of the Lord come down…amen…may the power of the Lord come down, may the power of the Lord from heaven come down, may the power of the Lord come down…may the wisdom of the Lord come down…Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna…" 

     The echoes of these children's praise is heard in my ears as I sit and read these words from the history of the early church,
"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by HIm." " Acts 10:34-35

     Mometns laters, the distant praises turn to a tribal language--worship in another tongue to the same God. "Aye Mukama, a twemilede".

     How beautiful to have the truth of Scripture displayed before my ears. Our God is God…the God of every tongue, color, and nation. He sees no distinction, He sees His creation. He sees not as man sees, He judges not as man judges. His success measure is far different than our own. We commonly judge on results and development, He seeks those who fear and work righteousness. We count numbers for a job well done, He looks at the hidden details of the hearts posture in the work accomplished. We seek instant results, He seeks eternal decision. 

     At the time that this passage was written in the early church, God was opening Peter's eyes to see His people in a new way. God was calling Peter to change his mindset and to walk a different path then the rest. God was calling Peter to see His design in redeeming the world, not one specific people group, and to be worshipped by all, not in one particular fashion.
How I believe that God still desires to open the eyes and minds of more "Peters" today. We so quickly assume that one way is the right way in worshipping God. We can easily become so rigged in our form of church practice, that we despise the creative ideas of other people. This is not to say that there are many ways to God, no, there is one way…Jesus Christ, but there are many ways for us to show and express our worship to Him.

     I have been a privileged one to spend multiple months within multiple cultures. In my observances I have seen that God is not to be worshipped in one way alone. Each people group brings their own influence in the way that they adorn their Lord, and in observing this, I have been blessed. 
Within the Boganda culture that I currently live, the word for God is, "Katonda", the word to create, is "okutonda" meaning that the very description of His being the Creator is in His name, Our God is a Creator God. He is the Creator of man, of life, and of salvation. He is the Creation of praise and worship. He is a creative God, not constrained to walls or time, but eternal, sovereign, almighty.

     Today, I want to pose a question, one that has been placed in my mind from the praise I heard in the distance from the mouth of babes…Are we allowing God to be Katonda in our life? A creating God? Or is our lack of faith constraining our view and belief in what He can and will do in our lives?
Are the things before me that I fear becoming a wall to shut me up and keep me from effective service? Or do I believe that my God is above these things, and gives strength to His people to leap over walls (2 Samuel 22:30). Is He asking you to do something out of the ordinary, something that you fear will not be accepted? Are you willing for the new creativity He is leading you to, or do you fear the opinions of man? Our God is so much greater than our minds can contain, and many a times, our minds think so small, when He is ready to do so big! 

     Oh Lord, the God of all the nations, increase our faith! Let us be open to Your working, however you would please, that you may be exalted and we may be used to bring glory to Thee! May we be found among those who fear You and work righteousness. Amen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Crowns to Come

Crowns to Come

     When I finished pondering these things, I was left with a picture to share…certainly I was not physically there, but in my mind I entered a room filled with praise, the peace within was felt down to the inner of my core. Within such a place there was joy, you could feel it like a mist of rain after a storm. Those within this room had come through life's storms and were now positioned in a place where the silver-lining was glorious, and the trials of yesterday incomparable to the joys of the present. I watched as crowns were given according to the deeds of these done during their time below. I began to recognize some faces as familiar persons I knew in times past. Mr. Johnson, surely he will receive such a large crown, for he seemed to be a man with a very put together life upon earth; yet as I greeted him along the way, I was surprised to see his crown was rather small. Not small in a shocking way, just not as large as my mind might of imagined based on the life he appeared to have. As I walked I saw another, Mrs. Stevensons, a woman very wealthy in her time upon earth, but who gave much to the poor, surprisingly her crown was smaller than I imagined. Certainly she lived well upon the earth, but I expected a larger crown. As I continued walking, there was a man I hardly recognized, he seemed familiar but the name I couldn't remember. In gazing at him I remembered his face from a mission trip I took when I was young, he was a poor man within the church, who had nothing to offer, his home of dirt floor, his clothing of humility, but who gave of himself as if a rich man, and served with joy everyone along his path. I could not help but notice the crown he wore. Adorned with unimaginable jewels, nothing of the sorts he had possession of in his earthly life, but now freely given to him, large, beautiful. Many others in the room had seen some of the jewels within their crown during their time on earth, had experienced such possessions, but here-in I was surprised to see so many who had never had access to such of the world's beauties, were now possessing crowns filled with jewels and diamonds, of tremendous beauty.

     With all the sights I had taken in, I needed a moment to ponder. I  found a near by bench and sat to think…
Perhaps what I perceive as wealth upon the earth is not measured the same above? I was certain that many of these would have larger crowns, yet I am finding that the poorest in the life below are here in found ever rich. They had sown a seed that did not appear to produce beauty below, but here has sprouted into a full harvest of plenty. 
In circling around the room, I saw people of every tribe, tongue, and color, and some cultures seemed to have many with large crowns, while others seemed to have the majority of small crowns.
These things were evident enough to not be overlooked…it appeared that many who were considered "poor" or "lacking" below were far from poor or lacking within this place. 
It was as if those who had less in the temporal life, were given much in the eternal, blessings to enjoy for endless time.
I began to think about the things I considered trials below…were my trails to be compared with the daily struggles many of these faced? Yet as I look at them now, I would never of considered them to of been from the third world, or of a place of lack, for their crowns, their joy, their abundance was overwhelming.

     I began to ponder my perspective on life, sufferings, and trials. God must not see as man sees. God saw all of these in their places below and He has given to each according above. He must consider things different than you and I.
I began to muse upon how much time I spend avoiding hardships in my life below, yet these did not avoid, but embraced where they were and now, I am certain they do not remember the struggles of their lives below.

     Moments later, I found all of these moving with one accord to another place. I asked where they were all going, and with an expression on their faces I will never forget, they said, "We cannot keep these crowns, we are going to give them back to the One who gave it all!"
Tears filled my eyes as they spoke these words with such self-less love. Convicted in my heart I thought of all the things I held onto back at home, all the things I was so slow to give away, all the things I fear to lack, all the ways I try to run from trials, all the time I waste looking for comfort and ease in my day to day.

     Before I could realize, I was conscious of my place of reality…there I was in my little home, surrounded by all my possessions, and left with my heart stirred from the vision I had just seen. All these things around me are gifts. I have been given small crowns within this life…but how often my attitude is vastly different from those above. Am I willing to give them back? When I see someone in need do I offer the shirt I have or do I cling to my comforts, hoping to never be as unfortunate as the one in need? Do I willingly give back to the One who has given it all to me? Perhaps these in need that He allows to enter my path are by His design opportunities for me to give back to Him. Perhaps these less fortunate are the ones who will receive the big crowns to come, and I might be the used of God to show them the truth, they they may go and bless others. Perhaps if I spent less time trying to keep myself comfortable and gave for the sake of others having, I might experience the joy of having little to hold onto that I might one day have something of value to give back to the One who gave it all for me.
This day, I am pondering this picture…this thought…and wondering what kind of a crown I am seeking, where do I want my value to be found and enjoyed, in the temporal or in the time to come?

Oh Father, please give us hearts to give out what we have been freely given. For we, who have been so blessed, may we not waste such time seeking to be comfortable, but giving up that others may be blessed, giving away that others may see and know Your way. God change our perspectives, may we not run from hardship, but embrace them as an opportunity to be etched into a gem to come, to give back in honor and worship to You.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Notes on Acts 4

The early church found every confidence, boldness, and strength necessary by looking unto the Father.
Uneducated. Untrained men.
Over and over again in ch 3 and 4 I see Jesus entitled, "God's SERVANT JESUS".
These men had seen the way of strength in effective ministry to our Master...servanthood.

When asked, these men responded under Gods authority. (Vs 19-20)
When threatened they gathered others of the faith to pray under Gods authority; expecting Him to work (vs 23-30)

They looked unto God.
They responded as Christ--
Fully submitted, an ready to serve others.
Thus, they were filled by the Spirit with all they could need and were used to reveal Christ to many.

Oh how living as a SERVANT truly reveals the goodness of the MASTER.
Jesus, may we follow in Your steps and the steps of the early church. Teach us to serve.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Running to the RIGHT PLACES

"Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary, 
and had seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him." John 11:45

     The sorrow and tragedy of death had allowed for the human response of comfort, bringing many to the scene. Earlier verses gave reference that Mary was being comforted within the house and when she arose to run to Jesus as He approached the city, they followed her to His feet.
     Trials have a way of leading others nearer to the Lord when our eyes are fixed upon Him. Mary knew where to run--to her Jesus, her hope, her comfort…her LORD.
     In her sorrow accompanied by her devotion, many others came and were present to see the glory of God in raising Lazarus from the dead. Many came to believe on the Lord through the trial and pain of death this family endured. Their fixed eyes upon a Savior of life brought eternal life to many.

     Our God has a way of using our trials for His glory when we run to Him in the midst of the pain. We are given the opportunity to bring the "comforters" around us to the God of true comfort, and in that, watch Him work good in the midst of life's troubles.   Amen. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What does it mean to PARTAKE?

"…to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 
Now this I do for the gospel's sake, that I may be partaker of it with you." 1 Corinthians 9:22-23

     Let's think on that word, to partake…when people partake of a meal together, side by side they chew the same substance. It is an action of doing something alongside another.
     Paul is saying here that he desires to partake of the gospel with the lost. That means that he desired not that they come to the table and learn how to eat like "we"-- Christians; but that he would come to their table and partake with them of that which would not compromise his uprightness, and thus they may see a Christian desiring to relate that they may share of the gospel; that the lost may learn how to partake of the gospel and apply it as their daily bread. 
No longer reaching for the portion that never satisfies, but dipping their bread into the oil of eternal life. Paul came to them, took on their normalities that he would have a table of relatability to sit at with the lost, that he could be near enough that they may hear the words of truth and life.

     Too often we sit in our seat within the Lord's house, partake of His Word, His goodness, His filling, but fail to reposition ourselves at the table of the lost, bringing with us the food of eternity; relating to them, that we may partake of the Lord's food together.
We cannot expect the lost to be found, when we ourselves are hiding within the church, or the comforts of our own home.
There was purpose in our tarrying here on earth; if the Lord had willed we be in eternity at conversation, we would be gone, but He has willed that we stay on this earth to be in the world, but not of the world. Paul understood this balance, to sit at the table with the lost, but to partake of eternal food, having received first from the Lord freely, to give away freely.

This is the method we ought to take on in sharing the gospel. We must reposition ourselves, go to the lost, sit beside them, observe, learn, then show them a better way to eat, a food and drink that will satisfy and complete. We must partake of the Lord's table that we may take away and give to the table of the lost, that we all may partake…oh that we all may taste and see that the Lord is good!

Monday, September 15, 2014


"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, 
for whim I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, 
that I may gain Christ." Philippians 3:8

     The word for "rubbish" is used to refer to something that no longer has use as it once had. Think about trash, that which is trash was once valuable to the user, be that it was filled with a snack, that it was holding a material that was put to good use, maybe it contained water that quenched thirst, or something else. Nonetheless, once that filled good was put to use, the remaining contents are now trash, good for nothing but to be thrown out.
This is the description Paul used in relating to what the things of life had become to him…he says, "I count then as rubbish, that I may gain Christ."
Those things that once held meaning to Paul were now seen as empty holdings, filled with nothing. He saw that all those things could not fill the voids of his heart; all those possessions only accumulated objects, but were as empty packagings to be thrown away with in comparison to gaining Christ.
Paul saw that the things of this life that had once satisfied and carried value to him were now waste to be removed that his hands could receive more of that which held inexpressible value. Paul had seen the contents of the world's packagings: identity, popularity, wealth, position, authority, comfort, affection, acceptance, on and on, but had found that all these packagings, became the same empty remains once used…the soul was still left searching and unsatisfied. Paul had seen that the packagings of the world only resulted in rubbish, but that the giftings of Christ were of lasting quantity and gain. Paul had tasted of the giftings of Christ and was left satisfied; he had come to the fountain whose waters do not cease. He had seen that nothing was left to waste in God's Kingdom, nothing was thrown out, but all things are used and work together for good. He uses our weaknesses to show forth His strength. Our faults to show forth His grace. Our abilities to bear good fruit. Our willingness to reflect Himself. There is no rubbish to be found for a life that has gained Christ. 

The world leaves one with rubbish after they have used all it contained; but gaining Christ is gaining an everlasting gift that cannot be taken away. Knowing Christ is knowing life. 

Monday, September 8, 2014


"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, 
in the breaking of bread, and in prayers." Acts 2:42

     They continued in the things that they had learned from Christ. Simple…profound. They had seen the example in Christ's life. How He spoke to them and taught them through the Word of God. How He lived among them, exhorting them in the truth; not willing to compromise. How He shared with them of the substance He had. And in the way that He showed them to pray, and to make intercession for others.
Christ came and exemplified the principles that the early church was to be founded upon. He set the pathway of duty for those in Christ. He knew the church would stumble along the way, but He purposefully set up tactics for a smoother walk together in Christ. 
     All of these principles require the use of one another. "They" showing multiple people; "they" continued in the Word of God together, in exhorting one another to walk in the truth; to be doers of the Word, not only to hear. To share with one another from their own substances; where one is lacking, to give, providing portions to those in need, to share meals together--to share life together. Then a call to be in prayer, to be making intercession for one another, to be carrying one another's burdens; for in so doing we fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).
     When we choose to walk according to these precepts, we will find the body of Christ reaching to places we did not know our arms could reach, to places we did not know the feet could go. God's design is that His church work together as His body to reach the lost, and He has laid out for us the practical steps to be taken to find unity in His work.

     Let us purpose this duty in our hearts, to be committed not only to Christ, but to the effective working of His body, through the principles He laid out for His church. The early church was filled with ordinary men and woman who did extraordinary things together for the Kingdom of God…we are still the church, let us orchestrate in the manner of design and see extraordinary things be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Serving Jehovah...

"And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, 
will say to him when he has come in from the field,
 "Come at once and sit down to eat"? " Luke 17:7

     Servants serve. We all know this, yet we often act as if, when it is ourself dressed in the servant apron, we ought to be serve and then afterward, be served. 
     When a master hires a servant to do work for him, he has hired and promised pay according to work, not according to personal relation. There is no personal side to it, it is a working relationship strictly. The servant is not to expect a seat at the table, nor is the master to feel obligated to give an invitation.

     Yet in our service to Jehovah, He, as Lord and Master, would have us to labor in His work, and afterwards to enter into His rest--a seat reserved for us within His kingdom.
What a good Lord! Having promised to His servants undeserved reward.
We do what is our duty to do…He redeemed us and in return has commissioned us to bear witness of Himself to the lost world; simple…so small in light of all He has one for us. Our Lord paid for us, to be His own, and He then promises reward to those who faithfully labor before Him. 

     Does all of this not cause you to scratch your head? Does all of this not cause you to want to adore such a Lord?
This analogy paints a picture of an earthly master's relation to a servant, to parallel and define the unique and beautiful reality of our heavenly Master's relation to we, His servants.
He paid for us, He has given us work to do, but He has also woven into the tasks He asks of us a personal relation. Hebrews tells us that we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who was tempted in every way, but without sin; One who understands our frailty as creator in human form. He has related to us, and He has called us. 
Nothing our Lord ever asks of us will be required without the personal relational provision.
When a servant of the Lord walks in obedience to His commands, there is certain provision for the task: In our weaknesses, He shows forth strength. In our fears, His perfect love casts out. In our failures, He redeems. In our confusion, He is peace. His grace is sufficient for each task He asks of His servants.
So what is our place in all of this? We are to serve Him with abandonment. We are to do what He asks for His glory and for the betterment of others, expecting nothing in return, but thanking Him for all that we have already received. 
We received the fulness up front…Christ has given us life in Himself; our every need is satisfied in Thee. We have been freed and given much, that we may now serve much; looking unto the rest to come, not seeking such in this short life.

We serve a gracious Lord, giving grace upon grace to those within His fields. Let us not grow weary in the harvesting, but let us collect and give out, that we may rest eternally in the life to come.

Monday, August 25, 2014

What Are You Building?

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, 
but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
Philippians 2:3

Building for the kingdom of God.
Pause and think upon this for a moment…
What does it look like?
Seeking first, His kingdom's accomplishments.
What are they?
What is the aim of God's heart?
The latter verses of this passage reveal to us the heart, the mission of God--that the ministry of Christ bring freedom in the lives of the lost, that every knee would bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God.
The ministry of Christ began on a sacred hill, tearing down the walls of sin and separation, and is carried out through we who have been freed. 1 Peter tells us that we are living stone, being built up into a spiritual house. 
Therefore, I believe that the stones of God's kingdom are laid and built up by His bondservants seeking the betterment of others. The world will know Christ indwells us by our love for one another. When we prefer another, we reveal to them Christ, when He is revealed and they receive, we are adding more stones to His kingdom.
The problem lies in, the mindset we have to be building up our own kingdoms. Before coming to Christ, we lived for our own, and we too often try to hold the same mentality as we are seeking to build up the kingdom of God. We prefer others when it is convenient, or we put others before us so long as it isn't too big of a sacrifice for our own building plans.
What would happen if we all ceased our own buildings and together worked to build up the kingdom of God?
What would happen if we put the same effort into others as we do ourselves? If we stopped storing up for our future and left it in the hands of our Lord? What would happen if we did not do things for our own gain, but if we loaned out from our storehouse, for another's gain, that they might benefit and come to know the Builder more?

Paul exhorts the church here to get our eyes off of our own kingdoms and onto the Kingdom of God…to get our mind off of our own desires and onto His desire--to be living stones for the sake of the unknown to know.
Everyone is building something, it is up to us what we are building toward. 
God's word promises that all things necessary will be given to those who seek first His kingdom. His kingdom seeks out the lost, what is yours seeking?

Application: I will take time to write out the main things I spend the most time on each day and measure it to see what kind of "building" it is accomplishing? If its outcome is for my own kingdom or God's Kingdom.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Learning to Walk...

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving." 
Colossians 2:6-7

     We all were taught to walk. Gripped within our parent's hand, we put one foot before the other, and in a stumbled learning, we came to walk. These feet were quick to go where our mind pleased, and sought to always be the first in line. We walked in selfishness and upon the pathway of the world until we came to Christ. Colossians tells us that we are to "walk in Christ". 
Certainly we understand walking, but what does it mean to walk in Christ?

     I think of a child learning to walk, they feel confident to move forward because they know the hand they hold is rooted firm and will not let them fall. They have a proper understanding of the one they are holding onto, that this one is in control, and will teach them; with each trip, a strong grip. The child trusts the teaching technique of the parent. The parent's love and control gives them the confidence they need to be established with each step.

     I want to propose a thought…perhaps many of us never learn to "walk in Christ" because we fail to have a proper understanding of the way He teaches us. We fail to trust the technique of His Fatherly grip. We commonly fail to see His lessons coming through solid, firm, hands of love. We see trail and falsely accuse it to be a misfortune instead of a blessed in disguise.
As a Father, God seeks to train His children to walk in the new life of Christ. He seeks to train our feet to move along the selfless path of self-denial, because it is the path to abundant life.
The problem lies not in our feet to learn, but in our mind to trust His ways of teaching.
The child must trust the hands that are holding them up.
The hands of God are sovereignty.
We commonly want to be held by Him, but falter in our end of holding on when the road gets rough.
He never ceases to hold us, working out His sovereign will in our life, but we commonly let go and miss out on the blessings of the testings along the way. There are lessons within each rough step.

     You see, endarkened clouds are often His blessings being formed for the reaping.
We see the sun hidden, He sees the fruit of the rain upon His planting.
Trusting His sovereign hands means trusting Him in the sun and rain, trusting that what He allows you to lack is that which He desired for a better purpose to come. 
Do we honestly think He sovereignly wove a plan throughout history's centuries to save our lives from sin, to just let what may happen in the present? His sovereignty changes not. He accomplishes His will through all things in this life. Truly He is a God who works all things together for good to those who are in the center of His will, to those who are walking in obedience to His call.
If He called you and you answered, walking in obedience, you can trust that each step of the way will be directed by His hand of blessing. Every difficulty and trail that will encounter the believer is first filtered through His sovereignty and turns into a blessing for thee.

     This life was never promised to be smooth, but He has promised to teach your feet how to walk through.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Story of Our LIFE...

     A triune God, fully satisfied in Himself looked out and conceived the idea of joy to be found in expanding Himself…Making Himself known.
His heartbeat…love, His hands… sovereignty, His intelligence… of ruling wisdom, His actions… of unchanging goodness, within His being… grace and truth, His existence… one of unity. That which worked counter to unity, He despised, and in His perfect holiness cannot dwell within.

     From nothing, He created, for He beheld all creativity, all idea, all ability. Out of the dust He breathed life and created man. He formed something in His own image, most special of all His creations, forming it capable of something nothing else contained, the ability for eternal relationship--demonstrated by free-will choice.

     Man dwelt with God in perfect union, enjoying the benefits of His goodness displayed in His creation. Man lacked nothing, all satisfaction was found in God, until he doubted the goodness of HIs creator, and desired more than what had been formed. The enemy deceived, implanting a thought that only through disobedience could man obtain unkept abilities.
In such envy for satisfaction apart from God, man chose disobedience and was separated from God. 
The separation is entitled sin.
In such a state mankind dwelt, sin growing as it was embraced. Mankind was moving further away from the yearning within to be united to his Maker again.

     God looked down upon His creation and saw from afar what He desired to be near again. With loving eyes He saw us in our lost state as a bride searching for the lover of her heart. He looked down and saw the sin separating us from the state we once existed. He saw what we would become without His blood, the eternal separation that was counter to His creation for eternal relationship. 
     With such a yearning, He sketched a design to redeem His people back to Himself, He would use a small nation to display His love for mankind, and use her as a vessel for salvation. The people of Israel He claimed as HIs own, and through her history, He sovereignly wove with His hands, His character, His plan, His lineage to bring forth a Savior for the plague of sin.
He watched this people cycle through the depravity of sin--enslaved to their own ways, rebelling against the ways of God; just as the first man and woman of creation. He stood so near, but they chose to walk so far, He stood at the alter, but His bride would not come near. He knew it was only by giving Himself in full surrender upon the alter, that He might bring her back to Himself. 

     The depth of such a sight moved His heart to leave His throne. In longing vision, He chose a way to make Himself known, He authored His Son, Jesus the Christ to live a life we could not, a life that would demonstrate His own nature in making a path for man to once again be united with God. He walked among us, sympathizing with our every weakness and sin that tempts us from nearness to God, He endured it all, to tread a path of overcoming such separation by dependence through unity on the Father. He lived a sinless life, but was accused and sentenced to a sinner's death. He drank the cup of death bearing our sin, to be for us the sacrificial atonement for our penalty, and in the most brutal death the world had ever designed, He bridged us back to God.
     The earth shook when the grave welcomed in the Creator; and evil falsely assumed that death had swallowed victory--
but how can death swallow One who is eternal, the One who gave life and breath to all things? The grave could not contain the sacrifice, and instead of dead-death, new life began to spring forth , as a seed falling into the ground and producing new growth. He was crucified, stated dead, and three days later, resurrected, revealing Himself to eye witnesses.

     In His resurrected living, He spoke of a gift He would leave for those who believed that He was truly the Son of God. In His assent ion back to His eternal throne, He gifted us with His Spirit to dwell among us, to work to daily unify us back to God. To enable us to walk pleasing to God.
     This Spirit was a new form of breath breathed upon the new creation, those created in Christ's blood. God had re-formed a people for Himself through faith in the work of the cross. 

     This new creation He has chosen, that by free-will believing in Christ, those who are found cleaned by His atoning blood would be sealed by His Spirit and kept in Him until His second coming. The Spirit reveals to us who God is, and in knowing we love. Our faith is exercised in our love for Him. This new creation is one of hope, and one of waiting for HIs return. One of reason and design, kept upon the earth with purpose, commissioned to go forth unto the lost world and testify of the good news that there is a Savior come to save us from our separation from God, to restore perfect unity of creation to Creator forevermore. Amen.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Brought Nothing…Bringing Nothing

"Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, 
and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content." 
1 Timothy 6:6-8

Look at the face of a child playing with recycled goods as a toy.
Look at the smile of the poor, as they greet you standing before the entrance of their dirt-floored home.
Look at the grateful heart of one who has been given work to eat.
Do you not in some way envy the joy you see in what the world calls, "the least of these"?
Have you not ever wondered why a child with many things seems to only cry out for more, and only enjoys a smile for a moment; yet the one who has so little can wear a smile like the new dress she is imagining in her dreams?
We brought nothing into this life, that is reality, every man was born the same, but we lie to ourselves by the way we live. We act as if we have done something to deserve all that we have around us, as if there is some distinguish between the "least of these" and the "increased of these". 
Don't think that is true? Then let me ask, why is it that we cling to things when they are taken from us, we feel robbed when wrong happens to our possessions. It is because we have falsely believed these things to be within our ownership; forgetting that we brought nothing into this life and the certainty that we can take nothing out. 
The glimpses of poverty my eyes have beheld and the glimpses of abundance I have lived within has caused my heart to wonder. I wonder why there is such happiness found in places of less, and why complaints seems to ceaselessly echo from those with much. Perhaps the "least of these" are the "blessed of these"?

Not a word, but an attitude that makes the difference. 
Contentment appreciates that which it has, and recognizes the truth that nothing belongs to itself.
People with less seem to grasp this concept easier than we who have much. They seem to see everything as a gift: sunshine, breathe, food, clothing; but we seem to see those things as only a base for more to come.
What if we viewed them as the gift and not as the base? What if we appreciated those things, and sought extra comfort in the life to come? 
What if we stopped exhausting ourselves with extra things and instead appreciated what we have already been given? 
What if we stopped seeking gain, and recognized the gain we have already attained? 

Christ knows our hands, and knows that if they are full of earthly things, there will be no room for His eternal gifts.
He seeks that we be filled with His fullness and His blessings. Not that we live with less, but that we live with value. 
The life with less sees beauty in the small things. The life with less finds contentment through appreciation. 
The life with less sees Christ within as the reality that despite what the day brings, life is eternally blessed.

A child with a simple piece of clothing, and necessary food to sustain, has open arms to run and hug the approaching comer. 
This is what Christ is thinking when He exhorts us to live in simplicity. He's thinking of His child being available to run and do, and bear good fruit in the fields of His harvest.
No part of His creation lacks, He supplies for every need. It is our perspective on what is necessary that causes our discontentment.
If we would view life through the eyes of the Creator, I think we would find that less is more and contentment is found in appreciation for what He has given and what He sufficiently gives each day by the undeserved favor His grace has poured upon our lives.

Contentment is found when grace is acknowledged and seen as sufficient for each day of this life, until we reach our true home.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Road to Dying

     More of the Gospel, majority of it, focus of the Gospels is on the last 2 weeks of Jesus' life...testimony of that time. Does this not strike you as interesting? That when the scent of death was near, the fragrance of life was more powerful, more impactful, more alluring? Death enhances the fragrance of one's life. For thirty years this Man from Galilee had lived among the Jews; however, it was not until His final days that His life was given especial notice. Certainly during His life and ministry He had many stories to share of healing, miracles, teachings, on and on; yet those who followed Him found the most words to share of His final days on earth. As death neared, His words were emphasized. As the nearness of death pressed, the influence of His words and doings were stressed. As the Creator of life moved nearer to death, the pathway for eternal life became more clearly directed. He was leading the way to true life. Death brings true life. When we come to a place of living our life upon the road to dying, we may find stones of life, live a life worth a monumental stone.
As death became only a stone's throw away, the Master was seen 
Death...the pathway, the road of death gives way to the story of God's grace.

As we die to self, more of His story may be read by others.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Cracking Comparisons

"If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me." John 21:22

God has a different call upon all of our lives and we rob ourselves of walking it it when we look around and compare ourselves to another's call.
I am convinced that many a Christian misses out on fulfilling their own designed ministry with joy because they look about, as Peter did in this chapter. I wonder if Peter was looking at John to compare the appeared "importance" of each others called ministries, or is it was the "path" he was caught up on?

Read a few verses before
Jesus restores Peter by asking him the same trio question, "Peter, do you love Me?" Each time Peter responds, "Yes", then Jesus foretells of the "path" Peter would walk--in reference to the way he would glorify God in his death. Let us pause, this path, one with no ease or comfort; yet Jesus concludes with two simple words, "Follow Me".
Depth in simple wordsFollowing the One you love.
Peter had just proclaimed his love for Christ, now such love beckoned him to follow, despite the path's holdings.
He was called to walk out his love, trusting that every allowance in the way of Jehovah is orchestrated in love.
Follow in love.

This seems beautiful, so why was Peter not content? I must ask further, perhaps Peter's comparison came in overlooking such love and instead of choosing faith, fear crept in due to the discomforts of the path set before him. Wondering if things would be as hard for others, like John. Would he suffer too? Would he have such a difficult "path" to follow?

How often we desire the blessing, but fear the path that leads to such blessings.
We want the gifts of God to be apart of the ministry we do for God, but unadmittedly expect these things should come without problem or hardship. We know that our God gave up all things freely, but we forget that it was through the cross. It was through suffering, discomfort, and death. Jesus was not requesting anything unreasonable to Peter. Christ had just completed His "path" to show forth His love, and Peter claimed to have such love.
Don't allow your ministry's calling to suffer or die by brutal comparisons to other people's paths. Let the death you die be for the furthermost of Christ being known through your obedience to the path He has called you to.

As C.S. Lewis' Narnian ancient truth declared, that if one dies selflessly expressing the true meaning of sacrifice the stone table would crack and even death itself would turn backward.
Even so it is for the follower of Christ. When we selflessly lay down ourselves for another, death is cracked and turned to blessing. 

Trust that each step is set in love, sacrifice according to your callingthis is the path marked out to lead others from the stone of the grave, to the cracked stone of a blessed life knowing God and leading others to Himself. 

We are individually called, together loved. Choose to magnify love, not comparisons as we lift up our Saviorfor soon and very soon these discomforts will be joy unspeakable.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


"And all of Israel heard of the judgement which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice." 
1 Kings 3:28

The world cries, "Let justice be served!" but Christ brought a very different mentality to such a concept. I believe that we have a misconstrued definition of "justice". Take a moment to define it for yourself…
We commonly think of it as when something that was wrong is punished. We more often put it upon the lines of vengeance or revenge instead of compassion and mercy.
Justice brings equality.

Godly justice is a new set of vision to see others through the cross. Justice sees from heaven's view. 
Justice sees the two prostitutes from this Biblical story and instead of seeing how pathetic their state, sees two woman who may of sold their dignity by man's view, but who were precious enough in the sight of God to be purchased back, redeemed through His Son. 
Justice sees others through Christ's love. Jesus showed justice as He sat with the Pharisees and tax collectors, the prostitutes and defiled. He did not condone their practices, but showed worth to their hearts. If you treat them as the world, how can you win them to a love unlike the world? He treated them with the dignity and worth they had lost, seeing them for who they would be not for who they were. He saw all through the forgiveness of the cross. He saw no sin as greater or less, but all equal, all perishing, all with opportunity for forgiveness and to be brought right through the cross.
Oh how sad it is that we elevate one over another, yet claim to be people who stand for justice! We turn away the "homeless at our door" with "justifiable" excuses? Are they? Or is it that we commonly see them lower than ourselves, when heaven sees us alike? 

The message of the cross proclaimed that it mattered not how you come, but how you react. 
Repentance brings cleansing, new life, a past life gone. 
The "homeless" is now homed at the cross.
The "prostitute" is now pure at the cross.
The "liar" now stands in the truth at the cross.
Mercy is the judge, grace was the proof--justice brought equality through Love sacrificed.
Through the precious blood of Jesus---the sinner is stated precious, a loved child of God.
There is no higher or lower position of love, but equality, worth, value. He did not pay more blood for one than another…He paid it ALL, and for ALL.
Justice treats a stranger as a friend, seeing them for who they could be as a brother in Christ. 
Justice welcomes in the lonely, showing care, introducing them to the Faithful Companion. 
Justice shows no favoritism, but sees every life, every eye, as on worth the cross---precious---redeemable---loved in the sight of God.

The world declares that justice must be served, but Christ declares,

Are you serving the stranger that he may be welcomed home?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Contagious Faith...

 "So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, 
saying, 'The will of the Lord be done.' " 
Acts 21:14

     A prophecy was declared, Paul would be bound in Jerusalem for the sake of the gospel. In love, Paul's friends were pleading with him not to go to Jerusalem. In desire for his comfort and their own, they wanted Paul to remain. Im sure they even thought, for the betterment of the Kingdom, he could do more if he was kept out of chains. Yet in hearing all these things, Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem. His mind was set, his heart fixed, he was not going to be swayed by their petitions. 
Did Paul desire to be imprisoned? Why was he so set to go to Jerusalem even after a prophecy seemed to come as a warning of what was to happen to him?
I am convinced that Paul lived upon a deep understanding of God's sovereignty in his life. He was confident that nothing ever could happen to him apart by God's loving design. He was assured that God only gives good things. This "good" not to be defined by carnal mind, but through faith. 
Paul was fixed. He was not going to be moved.
This definite boldness not only honored God as a man truly living what he preached, "To live is Christ and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:21), but it caused a beautiful surrender in the lives of those onlooking. 
Read the verse again…when Paul would not be persuaded, "we" all onlooking witnesses to his life and ministry, ceased trying to persuade him, and instead surrendered unto the LORD, saying, "The will of the Lord be done".
Paul's confident faith produced confident faith in the lives of those around him.
When we choose to walk out a life of faith, confident in the God we know, the God we love, and are willing to go where He calls us to go despite the fears, we become witnesses to those around us. Our obedience to Christ, can lead others to obedient surrender as well. 

One candle burning, can light another.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


"And when Peter had come to himself, he said,
 "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, 
and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from 
all the expectation of the Jewish people." 
Acts 12:11

Peter had been called by God to minister to the Gentile people the love of God, and to welcome them into salvation. 
This call, clear, yet was it accepted by the culture of the Jews? No. 
The Jews instead had expectations to see Peter thrown into prison for such an act.

There we find Peter, in a dark cell, a prisoner. Just recently God had spoken to him clearly in a vision of his call to bring salvation to the Gentile people. Just recently he had witnessed the Lord bring many Gentiles into salvation and baptize them in the Holy Spirit, just as he had seen God do for the Jews. All these excellent things he had seen, but now only prison bars and fear of death. 
Do you not think that he had some thoughts circling in his head? Wondering if he had really heard from God of the call? Wondering how he was to fulfill such a call in a cell? Wondering who would carry on the call for the Gentiles? 
Wondering why such a call, then such a wall?

Have you ever been in such a place? Such a cell of discouragement after such a revelation from the Lord? Have you ever wondered why it seems that after such encounters with God we commonly face such harsh encounters with life?

Yet God sent to Peter an angel to lead him out of the prison, through the gates, and into the freedom of the streets. We then read that when Peter had come to himself and realize the deliverance God had done that he then knew for CERTAIN that the LORD had sent the angel, that the LORD has delivered him, but not just from a cell, but from the hand of Herod and from the expectation of the Jewish people. 
What light to his faith Peter had in walking out of the dark prison! Who was to say that he was free from Herod and the Jewish people, did they not still want him behind bars? Yet in Peter's mind he was confident, he was certain that the Lord had delivered him from their desires against him and his call.

Peter walked out of that prison with a renewed mind, no fear to go against the expectations of the society around him, but to follow the call the LORD had placed on his life.
In those hours within the prison, he learned more of the God of the call, because this God who called, also is the God who delivered, and will be the God who keeps him in the way of following such a call. This call was far greater than any calling threats the Jews could make to him as he sought to minister to the Gentile people.

What has God called you to? Could it be that He spoke, but soon after you found yourself in a prison? Hard times or the "expectations" and opinions of others rose up against you, trapping fear to move forward with the call? 
God used the hard hours to produce confidence and certainty in Peter, He can do the same for you.

He whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36). Walk in the call, His hand is not to short to deliver whenever need be.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Which Path to Take?

"Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make 
His footsteps our pathway." 
Psalm 85:13

"His footsteps our pathway."
His way of walking, our way to go.
How often we wonder, "Which way should I go?", we often ask, "Which way should I take? What should I do?" For the believer this often leads to, "Where is the LORD leading me?" or "What is God's will for my life?".
But the men of old did not seem to ask such questions over and over again, look at Barnabas, a man known for his faith, he would declare that we should "With purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord" (Acts 11:23b ). It should not be a constant question but an aim we are seeking after. A confident walk. How do we find this?
I want to pose a question for thought:
Perhaps it is not that we cannot see the pathway to take, its just that we would often rather find an easier path to walk.
"His footsteps our pathway."
This is clear, He is not hiding the way to take, He paved the way. We are to put on our shoes and follow. I think the questions come to cause hesitations when we allow fear to strap to our sandals instead of faith.,
When we look at His pathway, we can choose fear or faith, for in looking at His path we see:
A path of constant humility, born in a stable, death on a cross. 
A path of submission, He did nothing apart from the Father, he was raised by a father and mother. 
A path of little comfort, He had no sure place to lay His head.
A path of thin privacy, He was rarely alone, but constantly thronged. 
A path of spiritual labor, He worked so long as there was day, and spent many evenings in prayer.
A path of serving, He lived for the preference of others.
A pathway of denial, He was betrayed with a kiss from a friend.
A pathway of accusation, the religious people never ceased their comments.
A pathway of misunderstandings, even they who walked with Him for years knew Him not.
A pathway of loneliness, He was alone on the cross, bearing our sin.
We all know the final step of His pathway…death, He laid down His life for our salvation.
In knowing this, we are reminded of His words, that no servant is greater than their Master, so we know far well that if we should choose to walk in His pathway, we too will find calvary deaths along the way. Areas where we must die to our self, our pride, our desires, our comforts, our privacies, these are inevitable steps along the path.
But we too quickly get carried away with the "deaths" we must die and forget that His death leads to LIFE.
No other death in history accomplished what His death brought in life. The love that has given new life to mankind.
The enemy has deceived us in seeing only the "deaths", but we must see the life beyond the deaths!
He has also deceived us to think that earthly possessions bring comforts, and that to give up these things are "deaths" indeed…but what if we began to look at things through the eyes of faith, what if we began to see that the earthly things we accumulate don't bring fulfillment in our lives, but actually cause distraction, and an appetite for more. These earthly accumulations cause us to become more attached to this life then we were ever designed to be.
Yet to the feet that walk along His pathway, although some earthly things may be lost along the way, each thing left from your hand gives more space for a spiritual blessing to be carried. Each lessening grip on the world gives opportunity to grab hold of more eternal things. 
You will never know until you travel it, you will never travel it if you settle with fear.

Grace and peace mark the goings and comings of those who choose to make "His footsteps our pathway."

Monday, June 2, 2014

A Search for Willingness...

"And Joseph said to his father, "Not so, my father, for this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head." But his father refused and said, "I know, my son, I know…" 
Genesis 48:18-19a

     The scene, within culture, the departing blessing. Jacob had come to an end of his life, and he was blessing his children. Joseph presented his two sons. The reason for presenting…blessing. The desired family blessing. However, the verses before these read, that when Joseph saw his father place his hand of blessing upon Ephraim, the younger son, it displeased him.
Have you ever presented yourself before the Lord for blessing, but found that the way He chose to work perhaps "displeased you"?
Perhaps you presented yourself, "Lord, here am I, send me!" A genuine willingness, a heart set upon obedience to His will, yet when He began to place His hand upon your life, and circumstances and situations began to not go as you had expected…perhaps it seems that "Ephriam" the younger, is receiving the blessings that are rightfully belonging to "Manassah", you become displeased. If we are all honest, I think we will agree that we have been there. There have been times when what is "culturally right" seems to not be the way God is working. What are "personal desires" do not seem to be priority.

For some reason, we commonly think that by presenting ourself to the Lord, things will go as expected. The things in our heart, our desires, all of it will be fulfilled. It is true that God desires to give us the desires of our heart, He placed those things there for a reason, but deeper than your desires, is His desire for your growth. That the testing of your faith may spring genuine faith. That your desires would be molded to the Kingdom's desires. The heartbeat of God is found in the cross. The way the Kingdom of God enters a life is through the cross. The way you and I take part in the Kingdom's work is through carrying our cross. 
Genuine faith cannot hold onto its own expectations, its own watch on time, or its own desires, but it must have open hands to carry the cross laid out before.
Genuine faith does not just say, "Im willing" but continually acts willingly despite the changes around. Despite the "flesh displeasing times" of seeing God's hand stretched out upon the "younger" instead of what seemed to be right with the "older". 
We've heard it said countless times, "God's ways are not our ways" but His ways are always perfect.

Jacob's response to Joseph, one you and I can learn from, "I know, my son, I know…"
Jacob, in faith, was going against the culture, and in obedience to the Lord placing his hand of blessing upon the younger son, for God had a plan to raise him up to be a great nation. 

Our God is a God of understanding to his sons and daughters…He knows. He understands the frustrations, the hurts, the confusions that can come when things do not go as we expected, but He also sees far beyond today. He sees the "nation He is building", He sees the spiritual blessings of testing our faith. He sees the way He is using our life as a vessel for the Kingdom. Will you trust Him?
Believing in the sovereignty of God means believing that whatever He has allowed in your life at present is what He desires for His glory, and whatever is lacking in your life today, He has allowed for His glory.

Let us come back to the simplicity of our faith…when we say we are willing, may we be willing. Not for our will, but for His.

He is working something far greater than you and I can see, but in carrying the cross upwards, we will see from the higher view upon the hill, His ways are faithful and true through and through. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Lord is WITH us...

Genesis chapter 37-39

Three times within chapter 39, and after much misfortune, 
we read, 
"The LORD was WITH Joseph", "The LORD was WITH Joseph", "The LORD was WITH Joseph".

Have you ever been in a prayer meet ing and heard these words over and over, "Lord be with us, be with this ministry, be with that person, be with this and that." We want God to be "WITH" us, meaning to be there, to be present, to be known, to walk alongside us, to be within what we are doing, to dwell…

Scripture is filled with HIs promise to never leave us (Hebrews 13:5) and to always be "WITH" us (Matthew 28:20) in doing the Lord's work, in being HIs people redeemed by HIs blood. So in all reality, we need not pray that the Lord be WITH us but come to a understanding that He is WITH us.
It is not a request, but a believing that needs to take place.

The LORD is with us. He is Jehovah ROi, the God who sees all things, because He is the God who is with us in all things. HE is sovereign over our lives.
God was WITH Joseph through all the misfortunate events of His life. He was WITH Joseph to ensure that HIs will was done in his life, despite the challenges that came his way. God placed a calling on Joseph's life, HE authored it and He would be the one to finish it. Despite the temptations of Egypt, the bars of a prision, the years of waiting, God was in the working, and God was WITH Joseph. 

In the well, God's presence gave him safety, in being sold instead of killed.
In the selling, God's presence gave him a place in Potiphar's house.
In the temptations, God's presence gave him the way of escape.
In the prision, God's presence gave him favor.
In the dream, God's presence gave him wisdom to interpret.
In the courts, God's presence gave him wisdom and boldness to interpret Pharaoh's dreams.
In the work, God's presence gave him guidance to save and store for the famine.
In the meeting of his brothers, God's presence gave him the strength to forgive.
In the restoration, God's presence gave him blessing in his lineage.
Joseph's life is marked by faith, and marked by the hand of God. His presence was WITH Him, God's anointing made him a testimony of God's faithfulness.

Let us stop praying that God would be WITH us and begin believing that HE is WITH us and instead pray for eyes of faith to see HIm at work in the difficulties, challenges, and blessings in our life…that our life may become a template for a testimony of HIs faithfulness.
Those who desire HIS STORY upon their lives, are those who will see His presence more active in their lives.

HE writes upon the template that has let go, and let God. He writes upon willing templates. He writes upon surrendered templates. What kind of a template are you today? He is WITH you…let Him write.