Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Blessed Burden

"(yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:35

      Mary had been visited by a messenger of God, she had conceived of the Holy Spirit One who would be called Jesus, He had been born in the humblest of settings, and as Joseph and her took him to the temple, Simeon prophesied over this Babe. Mary knew that all things that had taken place were the hand of God, she had already faced the weight of the blessed burden, she had endured many nights of questions and perseverance in her willingness to be a vessel for God's work. She knew she was honored and privileged, but she also felt the weight of it allSimeon spoke in absolute reality when he foretold that not only would Jesus be used to save men from their sins, but that it would come at a cost, that yes, a sword will likewise pierce through Mary's soul, for the sake of the thoughts of many being revealed.
There is a cost to ministry, there is a cost to being used by the Lord, a small cost in comparison to all He gave for our salvation; nonetheless, a cost we cannot ignore.
There are times that ministering to others hurts, like a sword into our own soul.
There are times that ministering to others leaves you feeling abused.
There are times that ministering to others leaves your heart feeling pierced or carrying a heavy burden. At times we feel the pain around us, at times we might be betrayed, but let us not grow weary in the work, for it was through the piercing that the thoughts of many were revealed and the lives of countless were saved. Mary's willingness to be used, to endure, to even be pierced in her heart, was a vessel God used to bring His salvation, to redeem those lost to be found.
     Am I willing to be pierced to be used by God to reveal the thoughts of others? Am I willing to sacrifice my own feelings and desires to bear witness to another, perhaps causing a conviction to their hearts that may lead them to repentance? Am I willing to live such a life?
Each time I come across this verse in Luke, I am paused in my thoughts and forced to ponder this statement. Mary was warned that her soul would be pierced in being apart of God's story of salvation. Her response at first, "Let it be to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38) was again put to the test, was she willing to allow the word of God to be fulfilled in her life, was she willing to bear the weight of it? 
We have the blessed position of looking back and seeing that she was willing and in her willingness, she was used by God. Her life a testimony of God's pathway of salvation.
Are we willing to walk such a path? Are we willing to allow our lives to be used by the Lord even at the expense of our souls being pierced?
A challenging thought, and one that is to be my prayer, that the Lord would form such a devotion within day by day. 

A life not held onto, but given out for His use and His people. Amen.

Monday, November 10, 2014

"Katonda"…The Creator God

     Little african voices raise these words, "May the power of the Lord come down…amen…may the power of the Lord come down, may the power of the Lord from heaven come down, may the power of the Lord come down…may the wisdom of the Lord come down…Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna…" 

     The echoes of these children's praise is heard in my ears as I sit and read these words from the history of the early church,
"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by HIm." " Acts 10:34-35

     Mometns laters, the distant praises turn to a tribal language--worship in another tongue to the same God. "Aye Mukama, a twemilede".

     How beautiful to have the truth of Scripture displayed before my ears. Our God is God…the God of every tongue, color, and nation. He sees no distinction, He sees His creation. He sees not as man sees, He judges not as man judges. His success measure is far different than our own. We commonly judge on results and development, He seeks those who fear and work righteousness. We count numbers for a job well done, He looks at the hidden details of the hearts posture in the work accomplished. We seek instant results, He seeks eternal decision. 

     At the time that this passage was written in the early church, God was opening Peter's eyes to see His people in a new way. God was calling Peter to change his mindset and to walk a different path then the rest. God was calling Peter to see His design in redeeming the world, not one specific people group, and to be worshipped by all, not in one particular fashion.
How I believe that God still desires to open the eyes and minds of more "Peters" today. We so quickly assume that one way is the right way in worshipping God. We can easily become so rigged in our form of church practice, that we despise the creative ideas of other people. This is not to say that there are many ways to God, no, there is one way…Jesus Christ, but there are many ways for us to show and express our worship to Him.

     I have been a privileged one to spend multiple months within multiple cultures. In my observances I have seen that God is not to be worshipped in one way alone. Each people group brings their own influence in the way that they adorn their Lord, and in observing this, I have been blessed. 
Within the Boganda culture that I currently live, the word for God is, "Katonda", the word to create, is "okutonda" meaning that the very description of His being the Creator is in His name, Our God is a Creator God. He is the Creator of man, of life, and of salvation. He is the Creation of praise and worship. He is a creative God, not constrained to walls or time, but eternal, sovereign, almighty.

     Today, I want to pose a question, one that has been placed in my mind from the praise I heard in the distance from the mouth of babes…Are we allowing God to be Katonda in our life? A creating God? Or is our lack of faith constraining our view and belief in what He can and will do in our lives?
Are the things before me that I fear becoming a wall to shut me up and keep me from effective service? Or do I believe that my God is above these things, and gives strength to His people to leap over walls (2 Samuel 22:30). Is He asking you to do something out of the ordinary, something that you fear will not be accepted? Are you willing for the new creativity He is leading you to, or do you fear the opinions of man? Our God is so much greater than our minds can contain, and many a times, our minds think so small, when He is ready to do so big! 

     Oh Lord, the God of all the nations, increase our faith! Let us be open to Your working, however you would please, that you may be exalted and we may be used to bring glory to Thee! May we be found among those who fear You and work righteousness. Amen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Crowns to Come

Crowns to Come

     When I finished pondering these things, I was left with a picture to share…certainly I was not physically there, but in my mind I entered a room filled with praise, the peace within was felt down to the inner of my core. Within such a place there was joy, you could feel it like a mist of rain after a storm. Those within this room had come through life's storms and were now positioned in a place where the silver-lining was glorious, and the trials of yesterday incomparable to the joys of the present. I watched as crowns were given according to the deeds of these done during their time below. I began to recognize some faces as familiar persons I knew in times past. Mr. Johnson, surely he will receive such a large crown, for he seemed to be a man with a very put together life upon earth; yet as I greeted him along the way, I was surprised to see his crown was rather small. Not small in a shocking way, just not as large as my mind might of imagined based on the life he appeared to have. As I walked I saw another, Mrs. Stevensons, a woman very wealthy in her time upon earth, but who gave much to the poor, surprisingly her crown was smaller than I imagined. Certainly she lived well upon the earth, but I expected a larger crown. As I continued walking, there was a man I hardly recognized, he seemed familiar but the name I couldn't remember. In gazing at him I remembered his face from a mission trip I took when I was young, he was a poor man within the church, who had nothing to offer, his home of dirt floor, his clothing of humility, but who gave of himself as if a rich man, and served with joy everyone along his path. I could not help but notice the crown he wore. Adorned with unimaginable jewels, nothing of the sorts he had possession of in his earthly life, but now freely given to him, large, beautiful. Many others in the room had seen some of the jewels within their crown during their time on earth, had experienced such possessions, but here-in I was surprised to see so many who had never had access to such of the world's beauties, were now possessing crowns filled with jewels and diamonds, of tremendous beauty.

     With all the sights I had taken in, I needed a moment to ponder. I  found a near by bench and sat to think…
Perhaps what I perceive as wealth upon the earth is not measured the same above? I was certain that many of these would have larger crowns, yet I am finding that the poorest in the life below are here in found ever rich. They had sown a seed that did not appear to produce beauty below, but here has sprouted into a full harvest of plenty. 
In circling around the room, I saw people of every tribe, tongue, and color, and some cultures seemed to have many with large crowns, while others seemed to have the majority of small crowns.
These things were evident enough to not be overlooked…it appeared that many who were considered "poor" or "lacking" below were far from poor or lacking within this place. 
It was as if those who had less in the temporal life, were given much in the eternal, blessings to enjoy for endless time.
I began to think about the things I considered trials below…were my trails to be compared with the daily struggles many of these faced? Yet as I look at them now, I would never of considered them to of been from the third world, or of a place of lack, for their crowns, their joy, their abundance was overwhelming.

     I began to ponder my perspective on life, sufferings, and trials. God must not see as man sees. God saw all of these in their places below and He has given to each according above. He must consider things different than you and I.
I began to muse upon how much time I spend avoiding hardships in my life below, yet these did not avoid, but embraced where they were and now, I am certain they do not remember the struggles of their lives below.

     Moments later, I found all of these moving with one accord to another place. I asked where they were all going, and with an expression on their faces I will never forget, they said, "We cannot keep these crowns, we are going to give them back to the One who gave it all!"
Tears filled my eyes as they spoke these words with such self-less love. Convicted in my heart I thought of all the things I held onto back at home, all the things I was so slow to give away, all the things I fear to lack, all the ways I try to run from trials, all the time I waste looking for comfort and ease in my day to day.

     Before I could realize, I was conscious of my place of reality…there I was in my little home, surrounded by all my possessions, and left with my heart stirred from the vision I had just seen. All these things around me are gifts. I have been given small crowns within this life…but how often my attitude is vastly different from those above. Am I willing to give them back? When I see someone in need do I offer the shirt I have or do I cling to my comforts, hoping to never be as unfortunate as the one in need? Do I willingly give back to the One who has given it all to me? Perhaps these in need that He allows to enter my path are by His design opportunities for me to give back to Him. Perhaps these less fortunate are the ones who will receive the big crowns to come, and I might be the used of God to show them the truth, they they may go and bless others. Perhaps if I spent less time trying to keep myself comfortable and gave for the sake of others having, I might experience the joy of having little to hold onto that I might one day have something of value to give back to the One who gave it all for me.
This day, I am pondering this picture…this thought…and wondering what kind of a crown I am seeking, where do I want my value to be found and enjoyed, in the temporal or in the time to come?

Oh Father, please give us hearts to give out what we have been freely given. For we, who have been so blessed, may we not waste such time seeking to be comfortable, but giving up that others may be blessed, giving away that others may see and know Your way. God change our perspectives, may we not run from hardship, but embrace them as an opportunity to be etched into a gem to come, to give back in honor and worship to You.
