Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Loved Much...Given Much

Loved Much...Given Much
Luke 7:36-50

  November 30, 2011
     She came in need, she left satisfied. She came stained and hopeless, she left forgiven and accepted. She came with love, she left with greater love. But within this story we see that she came ready to give. She did not come expecting anything, she came with the purpose of blessing her Savior purely because she loved Him, and in return she left receiving more than she gave.
She viewed her Lord as her "Hosanna" her hope, the only one who could save her. She was aware of her present state, her need, but overwhelmed the more by her hope in His ability to do more than she could ask for; therefore she thrust all she had before Him.
     How did she have such hope? Her present condition lent her to a place of seeking deliverance. Just as trials in our lives commonly bring us to our knees, drawing us nearer to our Savior because we acknowledge afresh that He alone is our hope. She presented herself before Jesus as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2). Coming before Him she gave her mind--using all she knew, "when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee's house" (Vs. 36). Somehow she had received knowledge that Jesus was near, and applied it in action, she came. However, not to come empty handed, she brought before Him her earnings, she "Brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil" (Vs. 37)--sacrificing as a gift before Him. In this action, she showed forth that she believed that He was able to give her more than she could ever give. That He is able to give much more to those who are willing to give up what they have in their hands, their temporal treasures (2 Chronicles 25:9). Next we see her giving of her tears--allowing her struggles to fall before His feet, "Began to wash His feet with her tears" (Vs. 38). Onward, her hair, "and wiped them with the hair of her head"(Vs. 38)--the crown of her head, caring not of her outward appearance, but pursuing a beauty in surrender (1 Peter 3:3-4). She gave of her lips--clothed with humility as they touched His feet over and over, a surrender of her speech before her Lord, "Kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil" (Vs. 38). Leaving her lips with the oil upon them, she exemplified lips seeking the anointing of His Spirit upon that which comes forth. Lastly we see a giving of her heart--abandoned, genuine, true before Him, "for she loved much" (Vs. 47).
     In this giving, in this loving, she was given much. She received from Jesus, forgiveness and a promise of security--eternally and at the present. Her faith was secure for eternity, He promised her that she was saved, and she was commanded by Him to at the present, "go in peace"(Vs. 50). A woman who entered weeping and in turmoil, was now leaving in peace. Only our God, only Hosanna, can provide such blessings to those who give...truly within His kingdom to those who love little, the same is found in their lives, but to those who love much, much will be found in their lives in the means of spiritual blessings. Those who surrender their all to Him are able to experience ALL of Him in their lives.
     Father, may this be so in our lives! I desire to be found as this saint. Reading such a story causes me to think, am I living in love with and viewing my God as my Hosanna? If He truly the only One who can save me? Than shall I not surrender all I have before Him? My mind, my wealth--the plenty or lacking, my body, my struggles, my lips, my heart, that I may hear those words when He brings me home, "Well done My good and faithful servant." Amen.

"God's smile and a dungeon are enough for a true heart..."- C.H. Spurgeon

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Am I Strong Enough?

Am I Strong Enough?

Lord, am i strong enough? Im scared?
Within my my heart cries, Lord, I dont know if iam strong enough yet?
Nonetheless, He who is above all, knows strength beyond our comprehension.
In Acts, chapter 3, we find a lame man healed and the Lord glorified.
The lame man sat at the gate of the temple daily, begging to all who walked by. Yet he was never satisfited, he never found what he was unknowingly searching for until he found the power of God. After ecperiencing the Lord's power, he stood...he stood for Christ, and he stood in soundness, unafraid of the lack of strength he should possess to face life.
Perhaps you feel as the lame man? Perhaps you have become lame in someway. Maybe a life situatuion has left you lame. A broken heart, a lost friend, a betrayal, a financial loss, whatever it may be, it has left you lame and you now find yourself begging. Begging for healing. search for deliverance, to stand on your feet again. Yet you shall never find the soundness and strength you seek until you put your faith in the One who is able. As God's apostles said to the lame man, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what i do have i give you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." (Vs.6) We too must come to this realization, that all we could search for, all the silver and gold, all the different remedies for our lameness will never truly satisfy us until we experience the power of God.
The next verse reads, "And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediatly his feet and ankle bones received strength." (Vs.7)
It was when he allowed the "right hand of help" to lift him that he received the strength he was in such a desperate need for.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, i will help you, i will uphold you with My righteous right hand." 
(Isaiah 41:10)

Upon accepting the help of the right hand, the man "So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them--walking, leaping, and praising God. and all the people saw him walking and prasising God...and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him." (Vs. 8,9)

He not only stood, but was given the strength to go walking and leaping--in order that he may praise his God, that his God may be glorified.
His testimony was also used for others to see and to cause their faces to gaze upon the Lord Himself..."And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all." (Vs. 16)
Soundness: free from fault, error, or illness.
When this once lame man, accepted the help of the righteous right hand, he was freed from his lameness, and was given strength...strength through faith in the name of Jesus.

So my soul, as you question this day, am i strong enough? May you remember that you were once lame, yet you have been healed by the strips of the righteous right hand, accept His help to rise...to face that which you fear you are too weak to face. Go walking and leaping and praising God in faith and a perfect, soundness, more than enough strength shall be yours through Him. Amen.

Friday, November 4, 2011

AGAIN . . .

AGAIN . . .

"Then He arose from there and came to the region of 
Judea by the other side of the Jordan. And multitudes gathered to Him again
and as He was accustomed, He taught them again." 
Mark 10:1
November 3, 2011

     When I read this verse, what strikes me is the repeat of such a word, "Again". Two times within this verse we read, "again". The word again usually implies a repeat to something already done. Most people, myself included do not enjoy doing things multiple times. If I explain to someone how to do something and than am asked again moments later, my patience is tested as i repeat the words i had already spoken. I think of such a scene, it was nothing new, just another day in Jesus' life that multitudes were following Him. Did He ever get a moment of privacy? Did He ever have a moment apart from multitudes gathering around Him? He had just crossed to the other side of the Jordan, and there waiting for Him, more people, again. I put myself in such a place, and flashing before me, a desire to be alone. Yet as i read on in this verse, it does not say that Jesus walked away,or that Jesus showed emotion, but rather, "as He was accustomed, He taught them again."
     I am convicted. My Jesus, although in the midst of another, "again-moment" did not react in impatience, annoyance, or isolation; instead He taught them. He imparted blessing from His lips to the multitude before Him. He gave what He had to them. He gave forth wisdom from His speech--truth and life from His words. Again. 
     How quickly I become impatient in "again-moments". The tone of my voice changes, body posture shows that I would rather be somewhere else, my eyes no longer look into the face of the person I am speaking to, love is left behind. But this should not be so. As Jesus was accustomed to teaching these lost sheep, so I have been called to be accustomed to loving others. Love is patient, love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). Again and again, love never fails.
     Father, thank you for the example you set, thank you for teaching us time and time, again and again. Thank you for patiently enduring with us, help me to have a heart that denies the sighs of frustration and embraces the call to give what I can to one gathered before me, whatever the request may be, and to once again put on love. There is no limit to Your love, freely I have received, help me to freely give. AMEN.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Prepare the Way . . .

Who was this John the Baptist?
Scripture gives several different descriptions of him, "My messenger", "the voice of one crying in the wilderness" "just a voice", but who is he?
We know other things about him, that he dressed in camels hair, and ate wild locus and honey. We know that he was bold, for we read of the things he preached, and we also know that he was imprisoned for his ministry and eventually was beheaded. But who is he?
He was a righteous man who ministered before the Lord. He understood what the role was for a minister of Christ
"To prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight" (Mark 1:3). Before royalty would enter a town, a servant would be sent out to prepare the path. To ensure that the roads were as smooth as possible, and if there be holes or ditches to fill in the holes and patch the ditches. The servants role was to get the appearance worthy for royalty to come through.
What a beautiful picture painted for us in serving and ministry,
Are you truly being a servant? Sent out, faithfully doing your job to prepare the way of the Lord, to do your best in all you do, that the appearance may be worthy of royalty, that the road may be as smooth as possible
It is not our job to bring people to salvation, but to prepare the way of the Lord that He, through His Spirit's working, may bring sinners to salvation, change His people, and bless the work of our hands for His glory.
We often become discouraged or stressed in our ministry when we are attempting to do that which we are not called or equipped to do. It is not your role, as a minister of Christ, to see a great work of God go forth, you cannot cause that to happen, but you can, and you are called to, prepare the way of the Lord, that all may be "Straight" or ready, that His Spirit may freely flow in the midst of a people, in the midst of a ministry, in the midst of your life, without hinderance, that His work may be done--that His name may be glorified and lives may be changed.
We are to do the groundwork for His coming...not always a glamourous job, not always in the front where others can see, often times behind the scenes work that no one knows about, fixing that pothole, or putting together those children ministry packets, but in it all, God sees, and it is the preparing of these things that allows royalty, His Spirit, to come through smoothly and touch the hearts of His people.
Let us not grow weary in doing good, but to prepare the way of the Lord.
John declared, "I indeed baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit" (Mark 1:8). John understood that He could not cause the Holy Spirit to work, but he could use that which was available to him, "water" to prepare the way for the Lord to do His work.
Are you using the "water" or that which is available to you to prepare the way of the Lord? Perhaps it is a pen and paper, or a ball to play sports, perhaps it is a open hand to greet those who enter the Lord's house, muscles to set up chairs, arms to push a broom, Perhaps it is an instrument, perhaps it is your voice, perhaps it is a puppet, perhaps a needle and thread, use that which He has given to you, to prepare the way of the Lord.
John was nothing to behold with the eyes; yet many were coming out to see him, because what he said was genuine. was refreshing to those who were desiring the truth. he was simply on fire for Jesus Christ, and they came. He did not advertise, have a cool coffee shop, money, etc. He simply was real. true. and this was light to those who sought after light--whose hearts were ready to receive. God is seeking for genuine ministers. those whose hearts are set on doing their job to prepare the way, and who are real, genuinely loving God. Seeking nothing else...just to live the truth.
John the baptist was simply a man, who sought after righteousness. Understanding that righteousness could only come through Christ in Him, and as he lived "rightly", preparing the way of the Lord, Christ would be glorified and be His righteousness before God the Father.

Father, please take our lives, lead us, send us out to the path that You have planned for us, the ministry You have ordained for us to prepare for Your way, for Your working, for Your glory. (Eph. 2:10). Amen.