Saturday, March 24, 2012

Time Flies . . .

Time Flies
March 23, 2012

     Six months seemed like such a long stretch, I arrived in September, leaving the airport with the knowledge that this new land should be my home until the end of March, but in hindsight, I'm shocked by its so soon of an approach. Time can fly. Being here, within this waiting gate, causes me to think of all the times I have looked at the tasks of life before me and thought, "I'll never finish, there is too much to do," or. "the wait is too long". Nevertheless, hindsight comes in view after time, and the clock strikes the hour you've awaited, it is here, your name is being called for your flight and you are embarking on yet another journey. In moments I will be boarding a plane to take me from a land I have grown to love, back to the land I once called home. During my time here I've thought back often of things I miss within my "homeland" things I look forward to doing upon return, but now, in hindsight view, I look forward to nothing, but being with the one's I love. I have learned that if home is where the heart is, my heart is being founded in eternity. My prayer in leaving here is, "Come Lord Jesus, Come!" Take us all to be with You soon, because I am surely going to miss the one's I've grown to love within this land. In returning to my former place, my prayer is this, "Good Shepherd, lead me on," because I know not where to place my feet, where to rest my head, where to begin. In some ways I feel like a stranger entering back in. The reality of the American dream, what will I do? Where will I live? Within a land of such opportunity, what opportunities will I take? So blessed I am to hold within my hands a passport to such a place, yet there-in I have learned is something deeper, the privilege of confidence that my name is written in heaven. My soul secure, my Lord is returning for me. 
     Being away from my homeland has given me a hindsight view toward this life. It passes fast. Time flies. The important thing is where is your destination? What is the final landing of your life. Where is your treasure, where can your heart be found? Is it in a place, a job, a relationship? Or is it rested solely in Christ alone--to where, regardless of what land you are in, your living for a land seen only through the eyes of faith. The time is coming to board this plane, part of my heart wants to remain, the other part to enter into a new place, a new season. 
     Thank you Lord that my heart needs not make a choice between the two, but simply to turn to You. Secure is my life, my home above, where soon You will take me, giving my life a hindsight that was always leading me closer to my heart's true Love. Use my life to lead more unto the precious confidence of this glorious truth.
O Africa! Goodbye. To what You have in store here-on, fill me with Your grace to greet and meet. Amina.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

He Willingly Gave Bread. . .

He Willingly Gave Bread
March 5, 2012
". . .And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot,
 the son of Simon." 
John 13:26

How often do I keep that which I could give? How often I have bread to spare; yet a selfishness from within is shown and I keep that which I could give. If I am not using it, than why am I keeping it? A challenging thought that came to me yesterday as I spoke with an African friend who said with such sincerity, joy, and appreciation, "I have seen the provision of God" and he was preparing to give that which he had in balance, left from what God had provided for him, to give to another in need. He shared that he's not using it and there is another in need, and he is pleased that he can help.  The next morning I opened the Scriptures and read of the Last Supper and Jesus' betrayer revealed. It was to be he who was given the bread at the table that would betray Jesus.
Of course I know that my Lord was always giving. He lived to give and gave all to us. He came to do the will of the Father. He came to give us what we lacked, life. He came to give sight to the blind, give hearing to the deaf, give ability to the lame. When it came to sharing healing, He gave. When it came to sharing His bread, He fed--unwilling to send the multitudes home empty, taking the small loaves and fish, He fed the thousands.
Giving to us a picture of what was to come...
In reading of the supper table, I noticed something I had nought before. When we take communion we recognize the symbolism of the bread and cup as the body and blood of Jesus, resembling the life He lay down for us, and the blood He shed for us (Matthew 26:26-29). Giving a further picture in John 13, we read that as soon as Judas Iscariot had received "the piece of bread" he went out immediately to betray Jesus (vs. 30). This piece of bread...was it taken? was it forcibly placed in Judas' hands? No. It was given to him, in verse 26 we read that Jesus gave to him this piece of bread. Jesus knew full-well what this bread represented, and in a few short hours, He would once again give that bread away. Jesus willingly gave Himself for us. He gave Himself to the cross that we may have life. He submitted Himself to the will of the Father. He gave the dripping sweat and blood, the wounds, the shame, the mockery, He gave the agony and sorrow of the cross that you and I might be given eternal life. His grace required a cost, and that cost He willingly paid through Himself. 
The next time I see a piece of bread, may my heart think differently. If I should see another in need, why do I keep this piece? I have been given much so that I may give out much to others. I have been blessed so that I may be a blessing, not so that I may enjoy more. What have I done to deserve all that I have? I have surely seen the provision of God, and because of that, I ought to display His provision. He displayed it to me in the form of giving the bread...He gave Himself. I ought now to give of my "bread" to others. Give of my possessions, surely, but greater than that, give of myself unto others. 
Teach me Father how to willingly give myself to others. 
Jesus, Thank you for giving Yourself for me.
Bread of life, I know I do not deserve; yet Your grace gives further still.