"…he who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack. Every man had gathered according to each one's need." Exodus 16:18
We read that the pretense of this story was continual complaints from the children of Israel within the Wilderness of Sin. They began to look around at earthly lack and became discontent with the freedom being accomplished in their lives at that present time. Their earthly desire in that moment distracted them from the heavenly sights they had already seen and were experiencing--such as the cloud by day, the fire by night, the bitter waters made sweet, on and on.
How quickly earthly desires distract us from the heavenly things we need! But in His grace, He sent mana and meat to the people. Each gathered according to their need, and there was no lack. No abundance or overflow either, but no lack. Jehovah provides according to our earthly needs so our hearts and minds may find an overflow of heavenly things.
How often earthly desires or fears of earthly lacks tempt and are the cause of stumbling in the lives of His people as we walk through this earth--this "wilderness of sin"; sin present on every side.
Dearest Jesus, by the power of Your blood, by the leading of Your Spirit, lead us to the portion we need and nothing more, and give us a yearning for heavenly things.
In Jesus' Name we pray,