Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Accomplishing Life in Things Deceased

     One of the times that Jesus was upon the mount, we read that two men met with Him, who were, Moses and Elijah. Luke 9:31 says, "…[they] spoke of His DECEASE which He was about to ACCOMPLISH at Jerusalem". Later on in the chapter we hear this coming event described as, "…the time had come for Him to be RECEIVED UP" (Luke 9:51). 
     What are both of these verses describing? The work of the cross. The very purpose of which He had come--the betrayal, the suffering, the separation, the dying, the receiving of sinners back to God. The events to come for Christ were grave indeed, but it was a decease He was about to what? Accomplish. 
     A grave leaves one silent, an accomplishment resounds in praise and victory of life. He did not see the grave, but the receiving up. He did not set His face upon the pain and suffering, but the glory to come--heaven sent these messengers to speak with Him bearing the perspective of the accomplishment of His obedience was son to bring. Christ saw the receiving up, likewise, He saw what His obedience would accomplish--that those He loved would be given the opportunity to be re-united with God and welcomed into eternity.
     How often you and I focus on the "decease" of a trial, instead of the accomplishment and receiving within it. Every trial that enters our life was first approved of by God and therefore, has a purpose within to grow us nearer to Himself. Every "decease" come with an eternal accomplishment and treasured lesson with our loving Father. Every difficulty is an opportunity to be a testimony that can draw others nearer to the gates of eternity.

     Let us see this principle from the life of our Savior, and pray to apply it to our day to day lives. May we seek eternities beauty and accomplishments in the midst of life's hardships and "deceases".