"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."
Matthew 5:6
Has the thought ever occurred to you strange that we should be blessed for seeking after Christ? As I read this today, the strangeness occurred in my mind. We receive a promise of blessing when we long after the righteousness of God. Why this thought seems strange? be it that pursuing righteousness on its own leads to blessing. That word, blessing, literally means "oh how happy!" and how true it is that righteous living produces happy living. Choosing to do the right thing over evil, choosing to love over hate, to forgive over holding a grudge, to love the light rather than darkness, all of this righteous choosing leads to happy living. Is that not enough than? If we know that it will lead to a happy and more enjoyable life, and above all, the way that we are commanded by our God to live, should that not be enough of a reason to live in constant desire for righteousness? But His grace goes deeper still, and hereby we see that He promises blessing for those who seek after Him. Hebrews tells us that to those who by faith believe, He is a rewarder to those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Righteous living will also lead to righteous following, for He will direct our steps (Psalm 85:13, Proverbs 3:5-6).
These words from our Savior mark His character--He not only brings the filled life to one who loves Him, but He provides for His hunger and thirst spiritually and physically, and goes further still to bless those who live for Him, although the blessing of living in His ways alone is blessed; strange and lovely indeed, may we echo King Solomon and declare, "He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever TRUSTS IN THE LORD, HAPPY IS HE" (Proverbs 16:20).
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