Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daily Life . . .

     Seeing and hearing of daily life within the country the Lord has called me unto, seems to daily convict my heart.
I know the Lord has me here so that I can be in a place of seeing my need to be ever more dependent upon Him. In lack, I see Him more. I need to see life through this perspective. Here are some things that gripped and taught my heart recently:

     Fire burned down her home, only ashes remained; I stood there with her and her young brothers, half dressed, flames still simmering, the smell still in memory; yet, the next morning she would stand in the house of her God, worshipping. I am humbled and convicted when I think of the little misfortunes or difficulties I commonly face that distract my worship. 

     He gladly opens the church gate rain or sun each day, always wearing a smile. I, within a car, usually thinking of how tired I am from the heat of the day, and he gladly welcomes me in. I am soon to learn that he uses only a mat, raincoat, and thin sheet within a small room as "home" during the week. No money for a proper mattress, separated from his wife and new born baby during the work week, but no lack of a smile upon his face, and joy in his serving of welcoming people into God's property. I visited his home last evening, and as I prayed for him, his humility of kneeling on the floor humbled me. How quickly I complain of too short of a night or tiredness as I awake from my mattress and bed frame, a comfortable pillow and warm sheets.

     How slowly he makes his way to the village local Bible study to find fellowship and hope within his hopeless state. A man who once ran quickly now cradles his own body in an effort to move his crippled legs to walk. A few steps, then a crawl, then a moment or two of necessary rest. The reason he became crippled, no answer can be given. His ability to come to the study is filled with adversity and discouragement; yet he perseveres. How little a difficulty I allow to keep me from getting to where I know I need to be. He knew he needed to be where hope is found, where God's Word was being proclaimed. How much effort do I put into positioning myself to hear God's Word proclaimed?

     God has placed me in the midst of a people group who convict my heart with the effort they put forth into truly living this life. Few and troublesome can be the days of man (Ps. 90:10), but oh! if we would allow the troubles to turn our eyes upon the eternal things, upon the place where there are no tears, sorrow, or pain.
     Dearest Jesus, please use these words and these stories to convict us in our comforts and blessings, to cause us to be discontent without our eyes fixed upon eternity. May we press-on and press-hard in our labor unto You within these "few" days we find ourselves upon this troublesome earth, and may we use our abundance and our blessings to give unto the least of these, knowing we are doing it unto You. Amen.

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