Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Lord is WITH us...

Genesis chapter 37-39

Three times within chapter 39, and after much misfortune, 
we read, 
"The LORD was WITH Joseph", "The LORD was WITH Joseph", "The LORD was WITH Joseph".

Have you ever been in a prayer meet ing and heard these words over and over, "Lord be with us, be with this ministry, be with that person, be with this and that." We want God to be "WITH" us, meaning to be there, to be present, to be known, to walk alongside us, to be within what we are doing, to dwell…

Scripture is filled with HIs promise to never leave us (Hebrews 13:5) and to always be "WITH" us (Matthew 28:20) in doing the Lord's work, in being HIs people redeemed by HIs blood. So in all reality, we need not pray that the Lord be WITH us but come to a understanding that He is WITH us.
It is not a request, but a believing that needs to take place.

The LORD is with us. He is Jehovah ROi, the God who sees all things, because He is the God who is with us in all things. HE is sovereign over our lives.
God was WITH Joseph through all the misfortunate events of His life. He was WITH Joseph to ensure that HIs will was done in his life, despite the challenges that came his way. God placed a calling on Joseph's life, HE authored it and He would be the one to finish it. Despite the temptations of Egypt, the bars of a prision, the years of waiting, God was in the working, and God was WITH Joseph. 

In the well, God's presence gave him safety, in being sold instead of killed.
In the selling, God's presence gave him a place in Potiphar's house.
In the temptations, God's presence gave him the way of escape.
In the prision, God's presence gave him favor.
In the dream, God's presence gave him wisdom to interpret.
In the courts, God's presence gave him wisdom and boldness to interpret Pharaoh's dreams.
In the work, God's presence gave him guidance to save and store for the famine.
In the meeting of his brothers, God's presence gave him the strength to forgive.
In the restoration, God's presence gave him blessing in his lineage.
Joseph's life is marked by faith, and marked by the hand of God. His presence was WITH Him, God's anointing made him a testimony of God's faithfulness.

Let us stop praying that God would be WITH us and begin believing that HE is WITH us and instead pray for eyes of faith to see HIm at work in the difficulties, challenges, and blessings in our life…that our life may become a template for a testimony of HIs faithfulness.
Those who desire HIS STORY upon their lives, are those who will see His presence more active in their lives.

HE writes upon the template that has let go, and let God. He writes upon willing templates. He writes upon surrendered templates. What kind of a template are you today? He is WITH you…let Him write.