Thursday, July 3, 2014


"And all of Israel heard of the judgement which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice." 
1 Kings 3:28

The world cries, "Let justice be served!" but Christ brought a very different mentality to such a concept. I believe that we have a misconstrued definition of "justice". Take a moment to define it for yourself…
We commonly think of it as when something that was wrong is punished. We more often put it upon the lines of vengeance or revenge instead of compassion and mercy.
Justice brings equality.

Godly justice is a new set of vision to see others through the cross. Justice sees from heaven's view. 
Justice sees the two prostitutes from this Biblical story and instead of seeing how pathetic their state, sees two woman who may of sold their dignity by man's view, but who were precious enough in the sight of God to be purchased back, redeemed through His Son. 
Justice sees others through Christ's love. Jesus showed justice as He sat with the Pharisees and tax collectors, the prostitutes and defiled. He did not condone their practices, but showed worth to their hearts. If you treat them as the world, how can you win them to a love unlike the world? He treated them with the dignity and worth they had lost, seeing them for who they would be not for who they were. He saw all through the forgiveness of the cross. He saw no sin as greater or less, but all equal, all perishing, all with opportunity for forgiveness and to be brought right through the cross.
Oh how sad it is that we elevate one over another, yet claim to be people who stand for justice! We turn away the "homeless at our door" with "justifiable" excuses? Are they? Or is it that we commonly see them lower than ourselves, when heaven sees us alike? 

The message of the cross proclaimed that it mattered not how you come, but how you react. 
Repentance brings cleansing, new life, a past life gone. 
The "homeless" is now homed at the cross.
The "prostitute" is now pure at the cross.
The "liar" now stands in the truth at the cross.
Mercy is the judge, grace was the proof--justice brought equality through Love sacrificed.
Through the precious blood of Jesus---the sinner is stated precious, a loved child of God.
There is no higher or lower position of love, but equality, worth, value. He did not pay more blood for one than another…He paid it ALL, and for ALL.
Justice treats a stranger as a friend, seeing them for who they could be as a brother in Christ. 
Justice welcomes in the lonely, showing care, introducing them to the Faithful Companion. 
Justice shows no favoritism, but sees every life, every eye, as on worth the cross---precious---redeemable---loved in the sight of God.

The world declares that justice must be served, but Christ declares,

Are you serving the stranger that he may be welcomed home?

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