"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit,
but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
Philippians 2:3
Building for the kingdom of God.
Pause and think upon this for a moment…
What does it look like?
Seeking first, His kingdom's accomplishments.
What are they?
What is the aim of God's heart?
The latter verses of this passage reveal to us the heart, the mission of God--that the ministry of Christ bring freedom in the lives of the lost, that every knee would bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God.
The ministry of Christ began on a sacred hill, tearing down the walls of sin and separation, and is carried out through we who have been freed. 1 Peter tells us that we are living stone, being built up into a spiritual house.
Therefore, I believe that the stones of God's kingdom are laid and built up by His bondservants seeking the betterment of others. The world will know Christ indwells us by our love for one another. When we prefer another, we reveal to them Christ, when He is revealed and they receive, we are adding more stones to His kingdom.
The problem lies in, the mindset we have to be building up our own kingdoms. Before coming to Christ, we lived for our own, and we too often try to hold the same mentality as we are seeking to build up the kingdom of God. We prefer others when it is convenient, or we put others before us so long as it isn't too big of a sacrifice for our own building plans.
What would happen if we all ceased our own buildings and together worked to build up the kingdom of God?
What would happen if we put the same effort into others as we do ourselves? If we stopped storing up for our future and left it in the hands of our Lord? What would happen if we did not do things for our own gain, but if we loaned out from our storehouse, for another's gain, that they might benefit and come to know the Builder more?
Paul exhorts the church here to get our eyes off of our own kingdoms and onto the Kingdom of God…to get our mind off of our own desires and onto His desire--to be living stones for the sake of the unknown to know.
Everyone is building something, it is up to us what we are building toward.
God's word promises that all things necessary will be given to those who seek first His kingdom. His kingdom seeks out the lost, what is yours seeking?
Application: I will take time to write out the main things I spend the most time on each day and measure it to see what kind of "building" it is accomplishing? If its outcome is for my own kingdom or God's Kingdom.
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