Friday, May 6, 2016

A Place for All of Us...

“And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus 
had done for him; and all marveled.”
Mark 5:18-20

     This man had a earnest desire to follow Jesus and leave behind all that had been familiar to him--once touched by Jesus, forever changed. How beautiful such a desire, without hesitation, ready to jump in the boat of the unknown with Christ; yet Jesus did not permit him to come. Wait...did we read this right? Wasn’t Jesus the One who said those who leave homes and families for the gospel sake will be blessed? Yes, reading it for what it is, this is a man with a missionary heart, prepared to go out but was NOT permitted to go. 
     Here-in is a beautiful lesson from our Savior. The Great Commission is for all--to go and make disciples, but the call to leave one’s home is not for all. Clearly this man had the zeal to go and share, but Christ saw a greater need then going in the staying. No one else could so well reach his own people as himself with the testimony of Christ’s healing power in his life. 
The people of the region were rejecting Jesus and pleading with Him to leave, only this man had access to stay and carry out the message of the Gospel in such a place.
     Staying appeared as a closed door when Jesus did not permit him to come; however, staying was God’s open door and calling upon this man’s life for the work of the Kingdom of God.
     Perhaps you have a zeal to go, but today no door is opened--look around and ask the Lord if staying may be the opening He desires for such a time?

There is a place for all of us. Not all are called to go over the waters and over the seas to minister, but some are. Many are called to remain and be faithful where they are, for God has uniquely designed them best to reach those where they are. It is true that there are “senders and goers”, for it would not work without such a balance, but deeper still, there are those called to stay and those called to go, and obedience to the orders you’ve received from the Lord brings the most fruit according to His measuring scales.