Thursday, October 27, 2011

Living Life Un-Crutched

October 23, 2011

Today, the Lord allowed me to see many different people living with crutches in their daily lives--yet their crutch is only skin deep, instead of dwelling within the difficulties and frustrations of their crutch, their heart is alive and well, they are living lives un-crutched.

Passed by a man with only one leg this morning. Everyday of his life he uses a crutch to get around. I was unable to fully capture the details of his face, but as I looked back, I caught a glimpse of his white teeth--a smile upon that man's face. His heart was un-crutched by his undesired circumstances.

Arriving at church, this young boy arrived moments later. He is unable to walk straight, but he limps his way around at a angled glide, crooked but onward. Our God had a design through that when He created him to be so. He doesn't allow his crutch to keep him from getting to where he knows he needs to be, within the house of God--for it is there that he finds his life un-crutched.

She enters the classroom a little late, why such a tardy? Unknown, but fully understandable as you watch her shuffle her way in. Her legs do no proper functionally, she uses two crutches to get around; nevertheless, you never hear such a difficulty to be an excuse. And her tardiness, no longer remembered as you look at her sitting there. beautiful woman. beautifully dressed. A lovely heart...
a un-crutched Spirit ready to learn more from God's Word.

An elderly man is brought to church; so old you can see years written upon his face. He hobbles his way through the sanctuary doors, walking on the palms of his hands and his heels. Does his age keep him away? No. Does his lack of ability to walk upright keep him outside? No. He enters God's house, ready to worship His un-crutched Father...the ancient of all days, who he knows to never grow old or weary.

Only having one functioning eye, seen as a crutch to most; yet He worships His Lord. He cares not if his view of this earth be full and clear, for he chooses to look to His heavenly Father, and when looking up, the eyes of his heart see un-crutched.

Closing out the day, a blind man stands with his personal crutch in hand, a stick for finding and feeling his way. Asked a question, he does not just stand still as if he is unable to do anything without sight; he quickly responds to the request. His ears received and his hands went into action. Un-crutched response.

Jesus, please give us un-crutched heart! To smile in the midst of the crutches of our lives. Believing and clinging, not to our personal crutches, but to the truth that our God has a plan through these things. Our God uses the crutches and imperfections in our lives to shine forth His perfection. Our God is a God un-crutched and unlike any can lean on Him.

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