Mark 5:1-20
Interesting, I find the order of Christ's working in this story. He crosses over the sea and immediately upon arrival to the shore is met by a demon possessed man. This man had been living under the control, influence, and torment of these demons for a great deal of time and he desired to be freed. Coming before Jesus, the man, in need; yet engulfed by mocking demons. The text tells us that they "worshipped" Jesus, but it is aparent that this worship was not one of adoration, but of mimicry. In response, Jesus commands, "Come out of the man unclean spirit!" At this moment, one would think that the next line would read, that the man was healed and many marveled; however, Jesus goes on to ask a question, "What is your name?" and was answered not with a gentle reply from a healed man, but the demons responded and began to request of Jesus that He not send them out of the country. This part of the passage strikes me. I know that Jesus had full power over these demons. He is the Son of the Most High God. Even the demons bore witness to this in the previous verses as they "worshipped" Him; nevertheless, it appears that even after He commanded them to come out of the man, they still remained. Full power, a command gone forth, but no immediate change. The burden of the demons still remained upon this young man, seemingly in control of him still, answering for him when addressed a question. Why were these demons allowed to remain? Even if it only be for a short while longer, the timing seems unusual to me, that God would command them to come out of the man, but they were still there.
Reading on, after the demons beg Jesus to send them to the swine instead of out of the country, it says that, "And at once Jesus gave them permission..." and the demons went out of the man, into the swine, and drowned within the sea.
From this passage I see this, that although our God is all powerful over the evil of the enemy, He will at times allow that which we seek to be delivered from to remain for a time longer than we may expect. He had full control of the situation at hand, yet He allowed that which was tormenting this man to remain a bit longer, proceeding with a simple question instead of a delivering shout. The question, what I believe to be His purpose in delay, "What is your name?" He desired that this young man experience the transforming power of Christ. For the last time, would his answer to such a question be under the influence of these demons, that when asked anew, he may respond as a new creation in Christ. That as he would go forth into his home and share with friends and family of the healing and deliverance of Christ, he may declare the power of the name of Jesus, the only name that saves, and share of his new name and new life since He had met Jesus.
To we, His saints, it can at times seem that He delays to deliver us from the evil or the trial that is plaguing our lives, and seeming to have influence over decisions or questions in our life. We must remember the name of the God we serve. He is the Great I AM. All powerful. All knowing. He is in Control. His mighty hand will save and deliver thee in His perfect timing. Trust Him this day, know that His command of control over the situation has already gone forth, and in due time, He will fully deliver that you may go forth and proclaim the wonderful things that God has done, and glorify His holy name.
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