"Katonda"…The Creator God
Little african voices raise these words, "May the power of the Lord come down…amen…may the power of the Lord come down, may the power of the Lord from heaven come down, may the power of the Lord come down…may the wisdom of the Lord come down…Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna…"
The echoes of these children's praise is heard in my ears as I sit and read these words from the history of the early church,
"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by HIm." " Acts 10:34-35
Mometns laters, the distant praises turn to a tribal language--worship in another tongue to the same God. "Aye Mukama, a twemilede".
How beautiful to have the truth of Scripture displayed before my ears. Our God is God…the God of every tongue, color, and nation. He sees no distinction, He sees His creation. He sees not as man sees, He judges not as man judges. His success measure is far different than our own. We commonly judge on results and development, He seeks those who fear and work righteousness. We count numbers for a job well done, He looks at the hidden details of the hearts posture in the work accomplished. We seek instant results, He seeks eternal decision.
At the time that this passage was written in the early church, God was opening Peter's eyes to see His people in a new way. God was calling Peter to change his mindset and to walk a different path then the rest. God was calling Peter to see His design in redeeming the world, not one specific people group, and to be worshipped by all, not in one particular fashion.
How I believe that God still desires to open the eyes and minds of more "Peters" today. We so quickly assume that one way is the right way in worshipping God. We can easily become so rigged in our form of church practice, that we despise the creative ideas of other people. This is not to say that there are many ways to God, no, there is one way…Jesus Christ, but there are many ways for us to show and express our worship to Him.
I have been a privileged one to spend multiple months within multiple cultures. In my observances I have seen that God is not to be worshipped in one way alone. Each people group brings their own influence in the way that they adorn their Lord, and in observing this, I have been blessed.
Within the Boganda culture that I currently live, the word for God is, "Katonda", the word to create, is "okutonda" meaning that the very description of His being the Creator is in His name, Our God is a Creator God. He is the Creator of man, of life, and of salvation. He is the Creation of praise and worship. He is a creative God, not constrained to walls or time, but eternal, sovereign, almighty.
Today, I want to pose a question, one that has been placed in my mind from the praise I heard in the distance from the mouth of babes…Are we allowing God to be Katonda in our life? A creating God? Or is our lack of faith constraining our view and belief in what He can and will do in our lives?
Are the things before me that I fear becoming a wall to shut me up and keep me from effective service? Or do I believe that my God is above these things, and gives strength to His people to leap over walls (2 Samuel 22:30). Is He asking you to do something out of the ordinary, something that you fear will not be accepted? Are you willing for the new creativity He is leading you to, or do you fear the opinions of man? Our God is so much greater than our minds can contain, and many a times, our minds think so small, when He is ready to do so big!
Oh Lord, the God of all the nations, increase our faith! Let us be open to Your working, however you would please, that you may be exalted and we may be used to bring glory to Thee! May we be found among those who fear You and work righteousness. Amen.
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