Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Blessed Burden

"(yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:35

      Mary had been visited by a messenger of God, she had conceived of the Holy Spirit One who would be called Jesus, He had been born in the humblest of settings, and as Joseph and her took him to the temple, Simeon prophesied over this Babe. Mary knew that all things that had taken place were the hand of God, she had already faced the weight of the blessed burden, she had endured many nights of questions and perseverance in her willingness to be a vessel for God's work. She knew she was honored and privileged, but she also felt the weight of it allSimeon spoke in absolute reality when he foretold that not only would Jesus be used to save men from their sins, but that it would come at a cost, that yes, a sword will likewise pierce through Mary's soul, for the sake of the thoughts of many being revealed.
There is a cost to ministry, there is a cost to being used by the Lord, a small cost in comparison to all He gave for our salvation; nonetheless, a cost we cannot ignore.
There are times that ministering to others hurts, like a sword into our own soul.
There are times that ministering to others leaves you feeling abused.
There are times that ministering to others leaves your heart feeling pierced or carrying a heavy burden. At times we feel the pain around us, at times we might be betrayed, but let us not grow weary in the work, for it was through the piercing that the thoughts of many were revealed and the lives of countless were saved. Mary's willingness to be used, to endure, to even be pierced in her heart, was a vessel God used to bring His salvation, to redeem those lost to be found.
     Am I willing to be pierced to be used by God to reveal the thoughts of others? Am I willing to sacrifice my own feelings and desires to bear witness to another, perhaps causing a conviction to their hearts that may lead them to repentance? Am I willing to live such a life?
Each time I come across this verse in Luke, I am paused in my thoughts and forced to ponder this statement. Mary was warned that her soul would be pierced in being apart of God's story of salvation. Her response at first, "Let it be to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38) was again put to the test, was she willing to allow the word of God to be fulfilled in her life, was she willing to bear the weight of it? 
We have the blessed position of looking back and seeing that she was willing and in her willingness, she was used by God. Her life a testimony of God's pathway of salvation.
Are we willing to walk such a path? Are we willing to allow our lives to be used by the Lord even at the expense of our souls being pierced?
A challenging thought, and one that is to be my prayer, that the Lord would form such a devotion within day by day. 

A life not held onto, but given out for His use and His people. Amen.

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