Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When I am Weak...

" For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."
 2 Chronicles 16:9

     The apostle Paul penned the words, "When I am weak, then I am strong." What did he mean by such a statement? If you think about this, it does not make sense. It is only viewing it with eyes of faith that we can understand the profoundness of this truth. Paul's statement builds on itself, it is when he is weak that the word "then" appears, because he is weak, it leads to an opportunity to be strong (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). This week has led me to view this verse with faith, to cling to it and believe it to truth.
The eyes of our Lord are searching for those He may show Himself strong on their behalf. This means He is seeking those who are humble enough to confess their weakness and accept His strength. You cannot give someone strength when they will not confess a weakness. If I claim to be strong enough to deal with the task before me, than how can I be given more strength for the task? But if I confess a need for help, than He is able to show forth His strength and I can be used by Him to be a testimony to others. A witness of His strength. 
Heavenly strength is seen when 
earthly weakness is confessed.
If I will not confess my need, I cannot receive the solution. Paul learned this to be true in his life, that when he confessed his weakness, Christ's strength was able to seen in his life and observed by others. Christ and His strength dwells within each child of God, but the world cannot see what is beneath the surface on first glance. Those looking without eyes of faith only see what is apparent. But when the heavenly strength of Christ is all you are relying upon, because all earthly strength is gone, faith is being worked out in your life, and it will be evident to all who look on.
This week I find myself to be very weak. Where I thought I could be strong, in an area that I did not expect to need heavenly help, I find my foolishness. I find yet another thing to surrender, another place that needs to be confesses that His strength may overtake and overcome the battle before me. When I confess my weakness I find strength.
The beauty of His grace, that weakness is seen as beauty to Him. He delights in those who allow Him to be their strength, that He may then be seen strong on their behalf--in the dealings of their life. Difficulties and struggles that arise in our lives, if surrendered and weakness confessed, may be turned into opportunities for His glory. That the world may have a glimpse into the life of faith, into the life of everlasting strength found in Jehovah. 
So Jesus, what I am faced with today, use it to show forth Your strength on my behalf. I have nothing to offer but myself, a heart that desires to be loyal to You. I do not understand why You delight in such a weak vessel, but I choose to trust Your word to be truth. I sit beside Paul this evening, and confess I am weak, but I do not end with that, for I repeat with him, because I am weak, I can now be strong. In You, I can be strong, for You are everlasting strength. Amen.

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