Thursday, April 5, 2012

John 13:3

"Jesus, knowing that the Father had given 
all things into His hands, 
and that He has come from God and was going to God..."
John 13:3

     John was wise to point out a detail beginning this verse. As if we didn't already know who he is speaking of, he reiterates the precious name of JESUS. He begins with such a name, pre-setting the stage of what is about to take place. Jesus. Not just a man, but God incarnate. Fully God and fully man. Not only the creator of the world, but soon to be seen as the Savior of the world. This Jesus, this precious Jesus is the center-focus of the story. The center focus of creation, and the only focus to see life. Moving on from establishing His name, we see His name in character, as "knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands." Jehovah Roi- The God who sees and knows all things. What a declaration of power and control, all things had been given into His hands. An abundance of authority with the decision that would hourly be at hand, the opportunities that would quickly approach to face the hour He had come for, or deliver Himself from the suffering before Him. This is astonishing, ALL authority lies in the hands of this Man, and yet, He will submit in love to endure our pain and punishment, because there is no other way for man to be saved. Apart of His knowledge is knowing the sacrifice. He knew what it would cost Him, and what it had already cost Him. He had come from God, meaning that He had left that which was comfortable, His heavenly throne to be among us, He had already sacrificed and poured Himself into a human frame, being in this place, at this dinner, and He knew the costs that were yet before Him, still to be paid. How did He endure such thoughts when such deliverance was available in His hands? We read that He knew that He had come from the Father, He knew what He had been sent-out to do, and He knew that He was going to the Father. He had the hope of eternity. Looking around at that passover table, I believe that He saw the coming joy of sitting with His creation at the marriage supper of the Lamb. The blessings and joys that await within eternity, but that would never come to fruition if He did not pay the price before Him. Hebrews 12 tells us that it was for the joy set before Him, that He endured the cross despising the shame and has now sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2). This Jesus, this author and finisher of our faith, knowing all things, knew that for the joys that await, the present sufferings were worth the pain. Does this not make you feel valuable? 
Application for myself:
How often I feel like He doesn't seem to see what I am going through...but here in, I see His name, Jesus, the God who sees all things and He saw me as valuable. He saw me worth the price of sin. He endured the cross that I may have a seat reserved at the coming feast. I need to cling to this name, He sees, He knows, and He knows that the struggles of today are not worthy to be compared to what awaits. It was joy that lead Him on, may it be His joy in me that leads me on in this time of returning and readjusting to the changes that surround.

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