"...rose from supper and laid aside His garments,
took a towel and girded Himself."
John 13:4
Sitting within an upper room, surrounded by those He loved, those whom He had opened His heart to and who would soon betray and pierce, Jesus laid aside His earthly garments, and put on a invisible, a eternal garment...the white apron of a servant. He put on a heavenly garment, the wearing of a servant and although this garment was unseen by any earthly eyes, in fact, until He began the washing, His motives were misunderstood and the disciples were more than likely thinking within themselves, what manner of action is this? But to the eyes of the Father it was righteousness in action, it was the doings of a servant, it was pleasing to the eyes of God the Father. Jesus setting an example for us who chose to follow. As a servant, I am called to wear white. Let your garments always be white (Ecc. 9:8). Servants serve. We see that in serving, He girded Himself, to gird means to prepare one self for what is to come...to encircle, as in putting on a belt.
Our serving is a choice. It is love in action. But when chosen to do, God uses our times of serving to gird us and prepare us for what is to come in our lives. Servants and times of serving open opportunities to things we never before would of encountered had we remained seated at the table. He rose from supper and showed us the way to rise out of our struggles and uncertainties into a girded and prepared mind, ready and alert. God does not desire for His people to sit in a cloudy or foggy state, He desire that they have certainty and confidence in their stance. When we serve, He reveals. This action is a example set out for all servants of Christ. Servants serve. When confused, serve. When broken, serve. When joyful, serve. When anxious, serve. When frustrated, serve. When weak, serve. For in those times of serving, God is girding. He is preparing your heart and mind for His plans. He had a plan for Christ, each day that He spent on the earth, so you can trust that He has a plan for you.
Application for myself:
Today I will apply my mind to look for ways that my common actions of serving may be preparing me for something greater, or teaching me a skill for the days to come. I will do my best to consciously serve, looking for the eternal lesson in the daily task.
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