Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Remaining At The Cross

April 4, 2012
Remaining At The Cross
I think of the cross during this passion week, and I think of the reality that only John was found at the foot of the cross as Jesus died. Was there not twelve disciples who had walked with Jesus daily for three years? Yet here-in the darkest hour, the hour Jesus had come into the world for, only one disciple is noted. All others had fled, betrayed, run, hid...John alone stood there. Risking his life for something greater than earthly living--faith stirring within him--the hope of eternal life through the Man on that tree, Jesus Christ. 
What was it that kept him there when all other's flesh had failed and caused them to run. Peter was passionate and zealous for the Lord and I believe he had a genuine heart in his claims to follow till the end. Peter likewise had followed and seen all the miracles, enjoyed the fellowship, experienced change; yet what was it about John? What was it that set him apart to be able to stand that day?
We don't know much about John at this point, except that he is titled as, "The disciple whom Jesus loved." John's love toward Jesus is evident in the gospels, but greater yet is Jesus' love upon him that enabled such an evidence.
I believe that it was John's response to the great LOVE of God that enabled him to remain at the cross. 
Not passion. Not zeal. No promises. No miracles. Nothing material...LOVE.
His heart's response to Christ's love poured out upon Him. It wasn't that he was loved more by Jesus, but that he had an open heart to receive more of Christ's love. That receiving being what lead him there, to the cross--to a place of sorrow, suffering, risk, pain, but deeper still, a place of grace, mercy, victory, and LOVE.
LOVE poured out upon a tree.
A love that has saved you and I. A love that has changed us. A love that has sustained us. A love that has given us hope. called us. taught us. 
Now, a love that beckons us to be a "John" or to run, a call-out to lay down our lives at such a place as Calvary, and from there take up our crosses and follow.
It was LOVE that lead John and kept John, and it is that same LOVE that will lead us on and keep us this day and forevermore.
Oh the unchanging LOVE OF GOD!

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